TBR Musings - January 20, 2021 (1.Viewing)


Nov 23, 2020
Okay, I'll say it:

Reposting in the latest TBR thread:

Does anyone have a copy of the TBR list from January 13 or at least know the total number of TBR domains?

I have a partial list up til Sunday, but forgot to redownload it last Monday. As I will be attempting (some weekend) to bring the TBR Results pages back up-to-date, I need at least the Total Number of Domains so that the trend commentary will be consistent.

DomainRecap said:
Does anyone have a copy of the TBR list from January 13 or at least know the total number of TBR domains?

There was a total of 7,407 names that dropped.
Not bad, but there have to be better ones than that.
aactive said:
Not bad, but there have to be better ones than that.

Not really, as the week started out extremely well, but it's been junk since then.
DomainRecap said:
I was going to bid on that one, until I did a little research... just a helpful hint.

You seem to drop a lot of helpful hints and they often cause me to go digging around. I know that is quite intentional on your behalf but I would not mind if the answer presented itself once in a while.

Maybe a new feature like a SPOILER tag.

So you could label the answer as spoiler and you have to click it to see the answer.

Just thinking out loud on this one because maybe once in a while you could toss us a bone without us having to dig for it :-X
Not a lot of grass growing under your feet Frank *THUMBSUP*

MapleDots said:
I activated a spoiler, I will work on making it a bit fancier.

This is how it looks...

HeHe made you look :D

Not sure if you will find it useful but it is a nice little feature that may add some fun to the forum.
jaydub said:
Not a lot of grass growing under your feet Frank

[notify]jaydub[/notify] I just added a nice Icon in the BB Bar

You can also have some fun by burying the spoiler 2-3 deep like I did below.


PS: [notify]DomainRecap[/notify] I will separate this topic out into the Feedback section soon so it does not pollute your aquarium too much.
Very cool :coolest:
Dementia is another one picking up steam, and therefore safe to post without anyone getting too angry.
Another late-bloomer seems to be GINI.ca, although AQUARIUM.ca is by far the gem in this week's list.
Wow, Aquarium.ca is up to $700 on Siber and has a $655 bid on NP. Should be fun, but I think we all know (unfortunately) who's going to win that one.

2 minutes til start time, and I'm going to go off script and predict that Siber/WHC is going to win it.
Indeed they did. Both aquarium and grains.

MyID got gini, dementia, earings and lionhead.

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