Thank you for the warm welcome, Maple Dots. I had 500 of my 1000-domain portfolio listed at Atom for a year. Not one sale or inquiry. (Via Sedo, Afternic, Dan, Efty, Godaddy I usually get 2-7 per year). Just some of the problems with Atom:
-Atom charges $1 USD per domain just to request that a name be in the "Premium" category. Once you get a name in the Premium category it does get a decent amount of trafic, but they control how much you can ask for it. I regret doing that, as now some of my super-premium names "MJOK . com" will show a lower price history.
-They only allow you to put "Make Offer" on 10% or less of your Premium listings
-AI categorization suggestions are terrible/incorrect
-The dashboard/interface to set up each domain is clunky, the drop downs are erratic (they jump around when trying to select) and if you do not complete all the details, your listing is categorized as "below average."
-The "search" (inside my portfolio) not working properly. I wasted a lot of time not finding domains I KNEW I had in there.
-Domains that are "real word" names ("AirTaxiHub") being auto-categorized as "made-up words"
-Domain expiration dates not updating when renewed (again, wasting my time as I have to double check at my registrars)
-Domain renewal dates showing the wrong date entirely
-Overly complex processes for listing, promoting, wholesaling, auction - in general
-Forced pluralization in the whitemarket listing, making my company name appear as "Web income pros's." They will not camel case it properly. When I pointed that out, the "fix" Atom suggested was that I change my (20-year old) company name.
The only high marks I give them is that their support staff is fast, personable, and professional. It's a shame I got to know them all, since there were so many problems.
Last week I contacted them to let them know to start the 30-day notice Atom requires to remove domains from the Premium section. I think I will use Aftermarket. I really like the EFTY interface and the landers are good enough, but not sure I want to pay the monthly fees, as those fees have increased and domain sales (regardless of the selling platform) are down.