Market Guidelines (2.Viewing)

Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON


 Market Guidelines

1. (or disguised: Domain dot ca) of at least one domain must be in the title.

2. Domain names marked FOR SALE must be priced in topic or the listing will be deleted.

3. OFFERS should ideally state a minimum (not mandatory). Example: Offers over $1000.

4. All Listings are priced in CAD, and member questions or positive comments are allowed.

5. Free Listings (not title) can be edited for 60 minutes, post underneath to change the price.

6. Premium Listings & Market Pages can be edited forever, and can delete any members posts.

7. LOCK/CLOSE your Listing to indicate sale is over or to prevent additional member comments.

8. Admins at DN may edit the title to ensure the consistency and clarity of the market listings.

Additional general forum guidelines can be found here: Forum Guidelines
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Anyone using the FOR SALE prefix without pricing the domain in topic will now have the topic deleted.

Please understand

FOR SALE = Priced

OFFERS = Make an Offer

It really is not that difficult to remember and I'm spending far more time daily making those corrections than necessary. Remember you have to have a price IN TOPIC, you cannot simply say priced on godaddy or link it to godaddy for the price. FOR SALE is with a price IN TOPIC on the FOR SALE page.
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You might want to copy the text from the box at:

DN Market

into a box above the "Post Topic", e.g. above:

Post a Free Listing

when folks start a thread, so that they're more likely to notice "the rules" when they're actually about to spam their domains create a thread. Although, you'd need to do it for every sub-forum, too, when they're about to post.
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Thank you @GeorgeK

I managed to implement that, so now every time someone goes to post a domain for sale they will get the rules at the top of the screen.

Took me some time to make it template and forum specific but it was well worth the effort (y)

See it working here: Post a Free Listing
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Please note that the Market Guidelines have been heavily modified, please re-read the first post to familiarize yourself with them.

Everything is now set up to have some measure of consistency and clarity so items are searchable for future reference.

Remember that you can edit Premium Listings & Market Pages forever, you can also delete other members comments to make the listings your own.​

FREE Market Pages are perfect if you want to have full ownership of your listings.​

Keep in mind the new edit rules moving forward, you can only close listings, you have to post underneath to make changes.

We had some issues with things being changed after negotiations started, so moving forward all listings become permanent after 1 hour.

So if you list a domain at $1000 to change the price you have to post underneath saying changed to $500

When the sale is over you close the topic.

This way there can be no more disputes, I was going crazy moderating things behind the lines.

PS. Premium Listings and Market Pages can be edited forever and you can also delete responses by other members.

So a Market Page is ideal if you want to keep changing a listing ongoing. Plus you get a free web address.

PPS. Moving forward old Market Listings can only be locked and not deleted, please don't contact us asking for deletion.
This is to assure we don't have to moderate "he said, she said" type of disputes, everything is properly recorded.
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