Verified members are members whose name and/or business name and have been verified by DN.ca
Verified Members have the highest reputation status and are confirmed to be legitimate business or domain owners.
Verified members will have a working website with real contact information in their profile.
- Verified Members have 1 hour edit time in posts (regular members have 30 min).
- Verified Members can open 6 marketplace topics daily in each forum (regular members get 3).
- Verified Members can have 6 links in their signature (regular members get 3).
- Verified Members get 3 lines of text in their signature (regular members get 1).
- Verified Members can contact 3 members in one private message (regular members can only contact 1 at a time).
- Verified Members can edit their private messages for 15 minutes after sending (regular members can edit them for 5 min).
- Verified Members can send private messages without flood controls (regular members must wait 5 min between messages).
- Verified Members can post without flood controls, regular members must wait 1 minute between posts.
- Verified Members can apply for access to the private " Boardroom " forum to talk with piers.
- Verified Members get a verification banner saying "Verified Member" under their Avatar in posts.
- Verified Members can bump sales topics every 12 hours in the Marketplace (non verified must wait 24 hours).
- Verified Members will appear on our Notable Members with a private heading called: Verified Members
- Verified Members get a Verification confirmation in their public profile: Public Profile
- Verified Members can send a Private unlimited messages quoting the post to the Post Author called: PM Author
- Verified Members get a free website link under the Verified Section in our: Link Exchange
- Verified Members can have 2 accounts, one for business and one for personal (regular members get one account).
- Verified Members may request a user name change (regular members need to re-register with a new user name).
More Verified Member perks are coming soon - Verified Membership is free for a limited time.
Qualifications to get verified
- You must have a company or personal website members can visit (can be a landing page with store at dan or efty etc).
- Your listed website must have a way for clients to contact you (as in a contact us tab).
- You must fill out all Verified Fields in your Profile Settings on dn.ca
Read this if you are an individual and do not have a business or business website:
Once we verify your information you will get verified status and all the perks above.
Fill out your verification settings in: Profile Settings
Thank you
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