DynaDot looks a lot like DAN.com (1.Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
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Pizon's Profile Page

A member here @pizon65 has a Dynadot page in his signature and out of curiosity I visited.

What strikes me is that if you squint a bit it looks an awful lot like a dan.com page. In fact if you can list there for free and it has most o the features it will pobably replace dan. We all know dan's days are numbered so looking at this it appears to be the first viable alternative.

Another similar service is Efty, so the question is does it have some of the features that Efty charges for as well? If it does then Efty might be in trouble too because their prices can add up fast if you have a lot of domains.

Anyone who has experience with DynaDot please chime in here.
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I have had a DynaDot account since 2018 so all I had to do was upload a domain to their marketplace and voila.

Mapledots's Profile Page

No listing fee, commission is 10% flat which is still a lot if you sell higher end domains.

I removed my domains from DAN a while ago so I can use them for a 5% push which still makes them the most reasonably priced when sending a lead.

The best deal going is still SAV.com at 4% but I have to check if they will take a push like at DAN.

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Above are the SAV comparisons but they did leave out DAN.com at their 5% push.

See the SAV coparison page here: Commission Rates: How Much are You Really Making on Your Sale?
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