Elon Musk - Love him or hate him? (4.Viewing)

The above post is a parody Elon Musk account on X but that is definitely something that he would post. :)

But I do like Elon. He’s outspoken, an advocate for free speech and for a super rich guy, he seems very down to earth (albeit very immature at times).

I will say that I’m not so sure about the whole Neuralink thing. I do believe that it can possibly have great advantages but the whole having a chip in your brain thing kind of scares me. Am I the only one?
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LOL, Yes, I do like him too, brilliant guy tackling massive projects for the better good. But he can be pretty immature too. Most everyone has a quirk or two, but his pros outweigh the cons.
Elon is great.

Neuralink could have some great applications to help people with serious injuries or disabilities. If your quality of life was low and a chip would greatly improve it, then I’d consider it
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I usually like smart people, and I do like him, but Elon can also be quite disingenuous when weighing his capitalist needs vs. reality.

He's a pretty hardcore capitalist (like he'd be the first to invest in Soylent Green, assuming it's profitable) which can be a bit much sometimes.

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