Google Hints Lowering SEO Value Of Country Code Top-Level Domains (1.Viewing)

Gold Notable Member
Jul 3, 2021
Toronto, ON

Creative Use Of ccTLDs For Branding​

According to Illyes, the primary reason for this shift is the creative use of ccTLDs for branding purposes rather than geographic targeting.

He elaborated:

“Think about the all the funny domain names that you can buy nowadays like the .ai. I think that’s Antigua or something… It doesn’t say anything anymore about the country… it doesn’t mean that the content is for the country.”
Google Hints Lowering SEO Value Of Country Code Top-Level Domains
Sounds like this Google exec just fell off the turnip truck.

As you said, there are two distinct classes of ccTLDs: 1) country-specific closed and 2) generic worldwide open. and Google already accounts for these differences in how search displays results. To even suggest that in 2024 using an AI domain would limit Google results to Antigua (or .CO to Columbia or .TV to Tuvalu) is to announce you're a total idiot to the world.

This Gary Illyes guy seems to have absolutely no clue how TLDs work on Google and is just blithering for a soundbyte to promote Google search.
Imagine if the governing body finally decided enough of this crap and mandated all ccTLD's become closed :eek:

It somehow seems counter productive and self defeating to have open ccTLD's, it defeats the entire reason they exist.

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