I'm quite diligent with my domains and I usually renew the whole year in January but I was reading an interesting twitter article a while back that said you should always let a .com fall into grace before renewing it.
That goes counter productive to everything in me, especially on higher value domains but I've been trying it for a while now and I'll be darned if it does not work. You renew the domain at the last possible moment after in has attracted all the expiring eyeballs. In the year I've been doing it I have sold 3 MapleDomains.com. Maple is an extremely popular keyword in .com with China and the USA being the leading registrants. Canada is in there but not at a high dollar because we have the .ca option to contend with.
I sold another Maple Domain this morning which enforces the logic 100%, if I let the .com's almost expire the traffic increases exponentially and once you renew it the potential end user steps forward.
I wish we could do similar in .ca but alas that is not meant to be