Outbound emails for Domains (1.Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

I tried x3 limited email marketing campaigns recently.

What do you think is the single most important part of your outbound email campaign?

What is singly responsible for the most responses?
I have done outbound in the past but I haven’t done much this year. Most don’t respond or they politely say no. I did have a 4 figure sale from the summer of 2020 when I was doing more of it so outbound does work. You just need to know who to contact within an organization.

What do you think is the single most important part of your outbound email campaign?
I think the title of your email says it all. You don’t want it to look “spammy” but at the same time you need something that will catch their eye. My previous titles of emails would be something like “Xxxxxxxxxx.ca now available for purchase”. I believe by saying this, it sounds more like that it wasn’t available before till “now”.

I do have a template that I switch up from from time to time. I think it’s very important to keep the email as short as possible.

I also start all of my emails with “Hi first name”. I don’t think that “Hello Mr. Lastname” sounds welcoming. I think you want to call them by their first name to make it seem like they’re your friend.
The challenge is making contact with the right person. I've found some success using Linkedin messaging.

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