Silly prices for Number domains (1.Viewing)

China loves lucky number 8.

I was in a casino once in Vancouver watching a busy roulette table, and number 8 had lots of chips on it. While watching the number 8 came up three times in a row, and each time it came up people put more chips on it. Three of the same number in a row on a roulette table is pretty rare. Only after I learned why the people had been betting so heavily on 8 in the first place. Anyone who had bet on 8 for all three spins, and increased the bet along the way, could have made bank. The return is 35x the bet on a single number hitting. A $100 bet turns into $10,500 if your number hits three in a row.
I forget what year it was, maybe 2016 or 2017, when there was a few months of craziness when NN, LL, LLL, NNN, LLLL, NNNN, NNNNN were going crazy in .com, .co and other extensions because the Chinese were buying heavily. 8's and repeating 8's were great, and no vowels for letter domains. It was like the .com stock bubble in 1999/2000 but for domains. Made some good returns but also turned down a few big offers I should have taken. I still hold a few and with 8's and other repeating numbers, waiting for them to get hot again. :)
It was also letters, like, and letters together like SH for Shanghai or BJ for Beijing were hot if they were in the domain. I think all without vowels sold out, or were close to sold out, because some registrars had like $2 or $5 registration sales. I even got into buying these kind of domains in .ws .cz and .sh looking for what might be the next hot thing. It was reaaaaaaally crazy times!

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