TBR Drop - Jun 5, 2024 (1.Viewing)

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Jan 27, 2021
Toronto, ON
I am sorry I didn't have the time to go through the entire list properly, but will mention some domains that were standing out - literally.
Also noticed that it was a reviews week.


Looking at it, I can see the need for descriptive domains. šŸ˜‚
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Another week with quite a few last name/surname domains on the TBR and as I've said before, with Canada's demographics shifting almost entirely away from a European culture, this standard type of "Canadian last name" domain is certain to experience dwindling demand and thus a decrease in resale prices. It's certainly no surprise they're popping up regularly on the TBR.

One example almost caught me last week. I was away most of the weekend visiting relatives and was way behind on my TBR research so I kinda winged it on Monday and Tuesday determining which ones I'd lay down real money on, as opposed to min-bids. As expected, once I had completed my research, I made a couple of mistakes and one really stood out.

My deep dive had discovered that one particular 'last name' domain had been sitting for sale on GoDaddy/Afternic (and continues to sit there today) for a few years with a measly $1K BIN and zero traffic. Whoa, talk about a danger signal as I no longer buy domains that I don't think will sell for at least $5,000. I often discover bad news like this afterward (to my eternal regret as they just lay there) and now try to be more proactive with any potential $$$ purchase.

This domain is currently at TBR auction right now and I'm very interested in what kind of price it'll bring in. Maybe over $1k? ;)
This domain is currently at TBR auction right now and I'm very interested in what kind of price it'll bring in. Maybe over $1k? ;)
Are you referring to the one starting with D or M? I don't think it will fetch $1K, may be $200 - $300. Don't want to eat into WHC's ROI but that's my gut feeling.
The surnames I've sold tend to show not a lot of trends that are useful to work from. they're fine to pick up really cheap, but the higher the price goes during bidding the more likely you'll have trouble making a reasonable profit. In fact I've never even sold a truly popular surname, only very mediocre ones. So I'd say that spending good $$ in TBR building a portfolio of the most popular surnames is a good way to go broke. And immigrant sounding surnames, even if they are wildly popular are also dead ends - at least for me. I've bought them just based on popularity, but don't even get inquiries. I think that's because the enterprising immigrants know their names aren't necessarily easy to spell or remember, so they're even less likely to spend good money on them. They'd rather spend that money on a brandable/word domain that is easy to spell and memorable. That's just based on my experiences... There are some people here with some pretty difficult surnames (at least from an english language perspective) that would be hard to remember and spell, I can't even spell one person's surname here that I've known for 20 years, haha! He wisely goes by his initials instead :) !!
with Canada's demographics shifting almost entirely away from a European culture, this standard type of "Canadian last name" domain is certain to experience dwindling demand

My dads first name was JoAchim, when he came to Canada he went by John.

A lot of immigrants change their names, or adopt, a more local sounding name so I don't think the value of common first names is going to dwindle, in fact the better ones will probably appreciate.
I am not sure what it is but I donā€™t have an interest in paying serious money for first or last names. I do have many but they were picked up at relatively cheap prices. I got lucky with my daughterā€™s name and purchased in TBR; as well as my own. One day I hope to be able to pick up my other kids names in TBRā€¦.. lol
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My Daughters name is owned by Wayne at Domainnames.ca. Maybe one day I will see what he is willing to sell it for. :)
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There are some people here with some pretty difficult surnames (at least from an english language perspective) that would be hard to remember and spell, I can't even spell one person's surname here that I've known for 20 years, haha! He wisely goes by his initials instead :) !!
Do I know him too??
A lot of immigrants change their names, or adopt, a more local sounding name so I don't think the value of common first names is going to dwindle, in fact the better ones will probably appreciate.

Maybe some are using anglicized first names, but I'm exclusively referring to last names / surnames here.
When my daughter was younger I tried to get her first name (not rare, but not exactly super common either), but I didn't want to spend the $20K or whatever it was they wanted. At this point I don't think she'll ever use it anyways, so kinda glad I didn't buy it.

I also once offered $10K for my last name but they wouldn't sell. But at this point, I probably wouldn't even spend that on it now. I don't have a son so no one to pass it on to anyways...
I'm curious, what's the most anyone has sold a surname for? (one that doesn't also have another meaning, like banks or cruise or whatever)

The most I've sold a surname for is $8,000 CAD + taxes, so nothing too exciting. Mostly to small businesses owners, a couple who claimed to just want them for personal use too. Its not really been a super profitable category. First names are 10x worse, definitely losing money on that category.
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The most I've sold a surname for is $8,000 CAD + taxes, so nothing too exciting. Mostly to small businesses owners, a couple who claimed to just want them for personal use too. Its not really been a super profitable category. First names are 10x worse, definitely losing money on that category.

And right at the bottom of the chart is the infamous '(name)+s.ca' category with zero sales but with continued (though muted lately) allure for me. "One day I tell's you, I'll make a sale, you just wait!" :cry: :rolleyes:

No big sales for me with first or last names, just a lot of people trying to buy them for nothing and absolutely refusing to pay any real money. I guess there is a personal "hey, that jerk stole my name!" thing going on with a first or last name, and the only sales I have are mini-transactions to realtors. And even then, these were extremely tough negotiations, like getting blood from a stone.

No one, not even a business, seems to want to pay any real money for a first or last name domain in .CA.

It's certainly not what I would call a "hot" or "growing" .CA market, especially at the insane prices you need to pay at TBR auction (you could say that about most .CA domains right now) and the quantum shift in Canadian demographics doesn't help either - not sure how anyone is making an actual profit in this area.

At a certain point I may just toss mine up with $1500-$2,000 BINs and see if I can generate an income stream that way. Maybe $999 for the '(name)+s.ca' and after ~5 years, just get the heck out of Dodge and put that money elsewhere.
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Well both I and @FM have inquired for frank.ca but the owner is holding for a dear price.

@AdamDicker holds my wife's name Julie.ca and he thinks she is a one of a kind (which she is) :love:

My son's name Kameron.ca is in use by a non Canadian (who said that won't happen?)

@Ilze owns my daughter Sarah.ca but that will be in competition with thousands of others.
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Well both I and @FM have inquired for frank.ca but the owner is holding for a dear price.

@AdamDicker holds my wife's name Julie.ca and he thinks she is a one of a kind (which she is) :love:

My son's name Kameron.ca is in use by a non Canadian (who said that won't happen?)

@Ilze owns my daughter Sarah.ca but that will be in competition with thousands of others.
I have it because its my daughter's name. For the right offer I would sell it, make an offer!!!
You are too good a domainer to leave your wife without her name ;)

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