We get 4-5 people a week that want to try to buy their FirstNameLastName (1.Viewing)

I owned my FirstNameLastName in both .ca & .com and held them for years.

I finally figured out that me@firstnamelastname.ca would never look good or be practical so I ended up dropping both domains.

The .ca just dropped, nobody picked it up to try and bribe me but the .com was picked up several times and a Chinese company held it for 2 years hoping it was dropped by accident to make a buck.

Today both are available and unless I become a celebrity or political I see no reason to own my name.

And for all the wise guys that say you have to own your name or someone can toss up a site, just remember they could easily add a sucks after the name and do the same, you can't ever truly protect your name in the web space.

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