NOTICE Market Guidelines (4 Viewing)

Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON


Market Place Guidelines

1. The domain name and extension of at least one of the listed domain must be in the title.
2. Multiple domains can be listed in the same topic and may be bumped a maximum of once daily.
3. Domains marked " FOR SALE " must be priced in topic, those without a selling price will be deleted.
4. Domains marked " OFFERS " should ideally state a minimum offer amount. Example: Offers over $1000.
5. All sales are priced in CAD, and comments are allowed (unless otherwise specified in the opening post).
6. You can prefix your listing with " SOLD or CLOSED " (offers posted after that are considered invalid).
7. All NamePost Listings can now be edited indefinitely and automatically attach to your Market Page.
8. Use your Market Page to post a list of your domains, (priced or unpriced) and edit your page indefinitely.

The additional general forum guidelines can be found here: Forum Guidelines
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I'm getting tired of sending dozens of notices daily.

Anyone using the FOR SALE prefix without pricing the domain in topic will now have the topic deleted.

Please understand

FOR SALE = Priced

OFFERS = Make an Offer

It really is not that difficult to remember and I'm spending far more time daily making those corrections than necessary. Remember you have to have a price IN TOPIC, you cannot simply say priced on godaddy or link it to godaddy for the price. FOR SALE is with a price IN TOPIC on the FOR SALE page.
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You might want to copy the text from the box at:


  • NamePost Market Guidelines - (Discuss Here)
    1. The domain name and extension of at least one of the listed domain must be in the title.
    2. Multiple domains can be listed in the same topic and may be bumped a maximum of once daily.
    3. Domains marked " FOR SALE " must be priced in topic, those without a selling price will be deleted.
    4. Domains marked " OFFERS " should ideally state a minimum offer amount. Example: Offers over $1000.
    5. All sales are priced in CAD, and comments are allowed (unless otherwise specified in the opening post).
    6. You can prefix your listing with " SOLD or CLOSED " (offers posted after that are considered invalid).
    7. All NamePost Titles & Listings can now be edited indefinitely and automatically attach to your Market Page.
    8. Use your Market Page to post a list all of your domains, (priced or unpriced) and edit your listings indefinitely.

into a box above the "Post Topic", e.g. above:

when folks start a thread, so that they're more likely to notice "the rules" when they're actually about to spam their domains create a thread. Although, you'd need to do it for every sub-forum, too, when they're about to post.
Screenshot (7).png

You see how on the namepost screen it removes the ad and highlights the rules link to draw attention to it. It still takes up space on mobile but is manageable.
Screenshot (7).png

You see how on the namepost screen it removes the ad and highlights the rules link to draw attention to it. It still takes up space on mobile but is manageable.
True. but as you noted, it's been ineffective, as you're "spending far more time daily making those corrections than necessary." Placing the rules verbatim on the posting page, directly above the words "Post Topic" should make it idiot-proof, as it catches the eye while they're in the act of posting. Admittedly, I use desktop all the time, so on mobile it might be different.
Screenshot (78).png

Thank you @GeorgeK

I managed to implement that into NamePost so now every time someone goes to post a domain for sale they will get the rules at the top of the screen.

Took me some time to make it template and forum specific but it was well worth the effort (y)
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The Market Guidelines have been dramatically overhauled and are edited in the first post.

Major changes are that NamePost Listings can now be edited indefinitely by both regular and verified members.

The reason we did that is it allows you to clean up your titles in case you want a nice tidy list from this link.


That list automatically attaches to all your listings and your Market Page so now you can clean it up and make it look tidy like this....

Screenshot (79).png << Click that to see a CLEAN example
Screenshot (24).png

Lock Listing or Unlock Listing

Mark Sold or Mark Unsold

Both options are now available on listings

You can edit the title and listing indefinitely

No reason not to try a couple of listings now

Sponsors who contribute to keep free for everyone.

Sponsors who contribute to keep free.
