Domain Meets or Events (6 Viewing)

@MapleDots any particular week or month in mind? would love to get something in the books!

August the 5th is the CIVIC holiday and I would like to shoot for that weekend.

Saturday August 3

Sunday August 4

Monday (civic holiday) August 5

Maybe we can discuss the possibility of how many members could attend on what day.

I can come any day that weekend.
I cannot attend August 3/4/5 ... but don't let that stop the rest of you from gathering.
August the 5th is the CIVIC holiday and I would like to shoot for that weekend.

Saturday August 3

Sunday August 4

Monday (civic holiday) August 5

Maybe we can discuss the possibility of how many members could attend on what day.

I can come any day that weekend.
All three days work for me.

Saturday August 3: CJRowan
Sunday August 4:
Monday (civic holiday) August 5:

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