Recent content by aactive

  1. aactive

    Two letter .ca in the wild

    I used to own back in the day. Used to get 5 - 8K visitors a month.
  2. aactive

    TBR Musings - May 18, 2022

    As an e-commerce site owner, I try to give my customers MORE ways to pay, not less; especially if it encourages them to purchase more or more often or is more convenient for them.
  3. aactive

    WHC credit card holds on TBR

    For KNOWN customers there should be no hold on credit cards. I have been a customer of Sibername for years for TBR purposes. If I have to earn my TBR CRED again because I have to switch to the WHC platform, that is BS.
  4. aactive

    TBR Musings - Apr 20, 2022

    Not bought by me, but I thought was a decent deal. I sold the plural .com, for $400,0000 USD back in the day. I think the singular is better.
  5. aactive - $7,500 USD

    It's been fairly quiet on the sales front in 2022 for me.
  6. aactive - $7,500 USD

    I usually don't post my sales, but here is one. - $7,500 USD. Sold through Godaddy/Uniregistry brokerage. Originally registered in 2006, so took a while. :)
  7. aactive

    French language sites

    For our e-commerce sites, which are n English, our sales from Quebec have always been very low. This has been consistent from the start. As Maple Leaf said, the fraud has been higher in Quebec than in any other province. Our experience has not been as bad as MapleDots with fraud, but still...
  8. aactive

    Post COVID Ecommerce slowdown?

    We also have seen a slowdown. As you said, the war could be a strong contributor to it. People do not like uncertainty or feeling insecure. Hopefully, it ends soon. The world does not need possible WWIII hanging over their heads.
  9. aactive

    Post COVID Ecommerce slowdown?

    Probably a bit of all of it. Mind you, most retail stores have been open for quite a while now in some form. I think inflation always has an impact on discretionary purchases. With most or all of the government COVID programs done, that could have an impact on online and brick and mortar...
  10. aactive

    TBR Musings - Mar 16, 2022

    Looking pretty slim so far...
  11. aactive

    Post COVID Ecommerce slowdown?

    The story is about Shopify but has some great info on the trends in e-commerce with COVID coming to an end. "Investors, however, fear the company can’t sustain its growth as shoppers return to more normal buying patterns. Those concerns intensified last month when Shopify said it had...
  12. aactive

    TBR Musings - Mar 9, 2022

    I'll leave you to play with your blocks.
  13. aactive

    TBR Musings - Mar 9, 2022

    LOL, you are such a child. Too funny.
  14. aactive

    TBR Musings - Mar 9, 2022

    I was hoping to get at a lower price but bailed at the end. Got a couple of domains for under $100 ($90 and $35).
  15. aactive

    TBR Musings - Mar 9, 2022

    I have all the answers? I'm not the one that posts how right you are about just about every TBR...after the results are in. Own it.
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