Recent content by Cyberian

  1. C

    Have you ever said f**k off on a negotiation?

    I never actually said f*** off, but I have closed negotiations with a "We're Done" and walked away. I'm not really one for burning bridges, and a couple of those have come back later (sometimes much later) to meet my price. Tire kickers I just ghost after the 2nd or 3rd convo. But sometimes...
  2. C

    Happy Canada Day!

    Chilly in July? I might swap with you, we had 7 days straight over 100f. Maybe we could just ... no, no geo engineering. Peace, Cy
  3. C

    Welcome, Toff

    Hi @Toff, Welcome to Peace, Cy
  4. C

    Welcome, Mauri

    Hello @Mauri, At first I thought you might be Mauri that works for escrow, but she doesnt have a beard. Welcome to Peace, Cy
  5. C

    Welcome, gpventures

    Hello gpventures, Welcome to Peace, Cy
  6. C

    Welcome, domain

    Hi domain, Can you be registered? You know, domain... registered.... Hmmm, I need new writers. Anyways, Welcome. Peace, Cy
  7. C

    Welcome, Storm Hawk

    Hi StormHawk, w0w, another great name. Do you own the domain as well? Peace, Cy
  8. C from worthless to billion dollar brand

    Hey Frank, TM or not, that is obviously a bad faith reg, imo. No real way to justify it. Peace, Cy
  9. C

    Welcome, Canada

    Oh Canada, Great name. Welcome. Peace, Cy
  10. C

    Welcome, GreenRain

    Hi Green Rain, Nice to have you here. Peace, Cy
  11. C

    Welcome, serendipity

    Welcome serendipity, Enjoy your time here. Peace, Cy
  12. C

    Welcome, pizon65

    Hey pizon65, Welcome to the show. Peace, Cy
  13. C

    Poll: Should Trudeau step down before the next election?

    How come he is so unpopular?
  14. C

    Personalized Landers coming soon to

    Hi Frank, What an outstanding idea. Will this be open to ext;s other than dot ca? Looking forward to the launch. Also, is the Marketplace limited to ca, com, and xyz? Peace, Cy
  15. C

    Welcome, Cyberian

    <<< Is just a little confused. What happened to the other forum? Anyways, glad to be here and thanks for the Hello, jaydub. Peace, Cy