Recent content by David

  1. David

    Flippa + Google Toronto event. We’d love to see you there.

    its been a while
  2. David

    PREMIUM 3 Letter Directory
  3. David

    So How Is Your January Going?

    some see the value and some need to be educated. When i tell people i sell names for $x,xxx they are floored!!! then i explain they are one-of-kind so its reasonable they can sell for that your only competition is their budget or a better alternative name.
  4. David

    So How Is Your January Going?

    2nd sale of the year $1400
  5. David

    So How Is Your January Going?

  6. David

    So How Is Your January Going?

    first of the year sale confirmed $3200. lets hope for many more for all of us
  7. David

    Arguments with Domain Brokers

    I figure the broker wants to keep their client confidential for 2 obvious reasons (may be more) 1. they are representing a Whale 🐳 and don't want you to know how deep their clients pockets are (we all know we would increase the price if we knew; Elon, Mark, etc wanted the name) 2. the broker...
  8. David

    Is this the end of domain sales for me?

    this industry is constantly changing and keeping tabs on what's not working anymore and what new strategies or market places are is a constant battle. I have had huge success with some market places for a couple years and then completely drops off (like Anita said) just find new ways and new...
  9. David

    So How Is Your January Going?

    Always good to have strong relationships in this industry, it helps on multiple levels - ty @MapleDots
  10. David

    So How Is Your January Going?

    one $3k offer on a .com, lets hope its a legit offer
  11. David


    Nice one word brand name - Amish made furniture is known for is quality and marksmanship. would be an ideal name for hand made furniture site (just an idea) PM if this name interests you
  12. David

    would accept $950 for this name today
  13. David Looking for fair offers on the green ;) domain
  14. David

    Hey, domain investors, wake the fuck up!

    majority of my names are brandable .com niche, have done well with them priced my .ca i left for open for offers
  15. David

    Hey, domain investors, wake the fuck up!

    makes sense to have a mix,
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