Recent content by Helmuts

  1. Helmuts

    Would you be interested attending a DN convention in Chicago or New York?

    Namescon are moving to Miami.. Nov 5-6.. together with Cloudfest USA. The dates are published on their website.
  2. Helmuts

    Would you be interested attending a DN convention in Chicago or New York?

    Good morning (and, greetings from ICANN meeting at Istanbul), I've heard they are planning to move NamesCon to Miami.. just rumours, of course.. very, very smart move! Namescon is still the industry's #1 b2b event in the world. Thank you for the comments - you touched on many points I am...
  3. Helmuts

    Would you be interested attending a DN convention in Chicago or New York?

    and, Chicago does sound a more relaxed place, doesn't it? How's connectivity to Chicago from major Canadian cities?
  4. Helmuts

    Helmuts Meskonis Acquires For His Expanding Portfolio of Forums

    @MapleDots :) do you mind adding 2nd German flag for the :) Thank you.. Love your flags!! We should do the same.
  5. Helmuts

    Would you be interested attending a DN convention in Chicago or New York?

    Good afternoon all, I am exploring the possibility of organizing two Domain Summits in 2025. The European event would likely remain in London, scheduled for the second week of September. For the second event, I am considering a B2B domain name and investor convention to be held in the Northern...
  6. Helmuts

    Helmuts Meskonis Acquires For His Expanding Portfolio of Forums

    Good afternoon Brad, When I took it over - it was dead = barely had 1-2 posts/day. Now, the traffic is returning, and the features we have added contribute towards this. I understand that some could be skeptical> here you go = "naked" DNForum stats (took a number of screenshots from our G...
  7. Helmuts

    Helmuts Meskonis Acquires For His Expanding Portfolio of Forums

    + (the oldest UK DN forum est 2004) .. and, Maria Ecosystem (HostMaria, MariaBuy and $Maria coin) has a forum: Maria Ecosystem Community Talk + I have a couple hobby crypto forums for coins that I support and/or like -- And, yes, soon will announce something very, very...
  8. Helmuts

    Happy to share square logo

    Thank you Frank, I admire the Canadian community you guys (and ladies) have created here. A real inspiration :)
  9. Helmuts

    Happy to share square logo

    Morning Canada and Frank, .. we've just recreated a square logo of for our needs (to be placed for the sidebar of our forums). Happy to share it if there's interest. for part used the same font that is already used: Trebuchet MS this, of course, is not the official thread :)
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