Recent content by MapleMark

  1. MapleMark


    Still a kuul domain :cool:
  2. MapleMark

    Is that an "O" or a zero? Customers don't want to guess.

    Seemed like a good idea at the time :LOL:
  3. MapleMark


    Am listing this totally brandable short cool domain name for sale for $5000 My first listing on DN what do you guys think?
  4. MapleMark

    First Domains

    Im looking to increase my portfolio and I was wondering if anyone has some ideas or things I should look for when buying Domain names.
  5. MapleMark / market / maplemark

    The mark below the maple leaf is a maple mark, coins with that mark have a higher value. Domains purchased from me will be a higher quality. :D
  6. MapleMark / market / maplemark

    Hi, I'm MapleMark On the old DN site I was K1D but I decided to go with something similar to my dad's MapleDots profile, we came up with this new user name together.
  7. MapleMark / market / maplemark

    Market Page: Here is a list of my domains... They're all listed on my dads account at but eventually I want to list them on my own.
  8. MapleMark

    Domaining with my Son

    Yeah we where out looking at cars when i noticed the website name on the side of a billboard, and i thought to myself that this was a really long name and that I should see if there was any way to shorten it. And sure enough was available and now that they know there is no way they can...
  9. MapleMark

    K1D here to say Hi

    Yeah I am really excited to learn the ropes of domaining. My dad has been trying for a while to get me into domaining and at first it looked boring. But as he got into the details about what he was doing and how these are what you make websites off of, that got me really excited because i...
  10. MapleMark

    Hello World, eh?

    Hi Bob, I am relatively new to the domaining business and i only know a couple of things, but you seem like you know what your talking about, and you seem like a very knowledgeable person when it come to domaining. I look forward to seeing what you have to say and I hope you can give me...
  11. MapleMark

    K1D here to say Hi

    Hey everyone, my name is Kameron MapleDots is my dad and I've been domaining with him for a while. I'll be around here showcasing some of my domains in the near future. Be back soon!
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