Recent content by Stewie

  1. Stewie

    Would you pay $79 yearly for your .com's?

    ICANN and Verisign Announce Proposed Amendment to .COM Registry Agreement Clear as Mud…lol
  2. Stewie

    Would you pay $79 yearly for your .com's?

    I thought there was some 10 year agreement where they allowed price increases, like 7% , I thought they had to have a 2 year freeze in there which was scheduled for next two years , but today still raising prices .. not sure where I saw this.. grrr 😡 Greedy , Cira making a huge profit , no need...
  3. Stewie

    Sold - TWO WORDS CA

    Got me excited 😂 …but still nice sale 👍 congrats 🥳
  4. Stewie

    Who left GoDaddy and why?

    I agree , sooner the better 🤬🤬🤬
  5. Stewie

    Who left GoDaddy and why?

    Is there a godaddy rep on here ? Where is the best place to keep .coms? Anyone have a rep a godaddy that is any good? They keep sending me new reps and I’m back to ground zero again..waste of time. I’m about to jump ship too. Any info would be great Thanks
  6. Stewie

    TBR Drop - Aug 14, 2024

    Yeah , hope he drops his other domain names 🤣🤣🤣
  7. Stewie

    CIRA is raising prices

    I thought Cira was a non profit organization which btw i'm sure is making money, so how does it make sense for them to raise prices.... and if so why raise it a dollar. $1 is just greedy.
  8. Stewie

    TBR Drop - May 3, 2023

    The tbr auctions on are not extending the time after new late bids…please check it out. Happen last week as well .it’s not adding additional time. 😫
  9. Stewie

    The domain is not for sale. Really.

    Of course it’s for sale, he just needs someone to convince him it’s for sale 😂😂😂
  10. Stewie

    TBR Drop - Mar 22, 2023

    It worked just now …ty
  11. Stewie

    TBR Drop - Mar 22, 2023

    I give ….lol
  12. Stewie

    TBR Drop - Mar 22, 2023

    It won’t take my bid on ..ugh
  13. Stewie

    TBR Drop - Mar 1, 2023

    Congrats 🥳 .. Any of them start with a P? 🤗
  14. Stewie

    TBR Drop - Mar 1, 2023

    PRB-$662 QVC-$254 peace-$2651 paws-$3353
  15. Stewie

    Fabulous auto renew

    WHOIS Domain Name Lookup | CIRA Is this the official database to check to make sure that renewals are actually getting renewed?
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