Recent content by Zak

  1. Zak

    I just got served with a CDRP - What's next?

    Often a respondent can obtain an extension of time for a week or so. It takes every bit of available time to prepare a response so letting the lawyer know right away is important. With only a couple days notice it would be hard to prepare without an extension of time but it may be possible in...
  2. Zak

    CIRA Board Election, and why you should vote for me.

    I wholeheartedly support Graeme's election to the CIRA Board. I have known Graeme for several years and he is a highly credible, serious, and collegial person. He would make an excellent representative on the Board. Graeme has world-class expertise in the domain name industry. We should all be...
  3. Zak

    Zak Muscovitch of

    Many thanks :). Please note that I am a CDRP panelist so if I am consulted about a case that means that I would probably be disqualified from serving as a panelist on it.
  4. Zak

    Zak Muscovitch of

    Hello everybody! Many thanks! Will try to drop by more often! Anyone else going to Namescon?
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