I was at a wildfire conference today and saw a few nice one-words used in the wild. I didn't get around to taking pics of all of them though, but it was nice to see Firetrucks and Oasis in use. I also saw that Motion.com was a vendor, awesome name.
I vaguely remember seeing Firetruck.ca go through TBR a handful of years back, was kinda surprised I didn't grab it myself, just for fun. Maybe someone here sold that guy FireTrucks.ca?
And in chatting with various vendors, some will ask what I do for a living so I tell them about domains and there were a few domain stories from people other than myself. One guy told me how he sold his domain greenbridge.com for $11K after years of being pestered by people offering $1K. He said when he finally got a decent offer out of the blue, he just took it, didn't even bother negotiating.
Oh, and if someone sells vft.ca - I told a company Vallfirest that they had a shitty name and they said yeah, they knew that no one could remember it but it was sentimental to the owner, so they were using VFTNorthAmerica.com instead. I said for god sakes, please go buy VFT.ca! So if you own it and get a sale, I want a commission haha.
And speaking of upgrading domains, I also noticed the following vendors that could use an upgrade:
aircharterservice.ca (to aircharter.ca)
firepowerplus.com (to firepower.ca)
vihaerospace.com (to vih.ca)
I didn't tell them I owned those, but its always a bit of a game for me to identify domains I own that would be good upgrades for businesses I see while around town or traveling.