A message to the spamers (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON

Apparently signing up overnight, using real people from Singapore, India etc is now a thing. Bots cannot get by our simple spam blocks so real people are signing up then posting numerous posts in several categories.

A message to all of you....

I get notified when a new member joins, when I see spam I simply click one button and that member and all their posts are deleted. Spending precious time trying to hide behind a member facade is useless because as soon as I read a spam post all of them (including the member) are deleted in one click.

The new thing seems to be to register and then wait a few days to spam, that also does not work, one reported post from another member and I click to see all your posts and with one more click I will delete you and all your handy work.

So to all spammers, your time could be spent in a much more productive way, you will not stay posted on our forum for any length of time so please spend the time with your kids or something because trying to post spam is a fruitless endeavor.
hahaha made me chuckle! Glad there's an easy solution to cleanse the forum of the spamfools.

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