Afternic is effectively dead and remains in name only (1 Viewing)


Nov 6, 2020
The new Afternic is completely useless, every link points to GoDaddy with Afternic looking like an AfterThought.

Click on start buying and it takes you to a second link asking you the same question again before it links to godaddy. Afternic is effectively dead and Godaddy is has taken over. The new Afternic is nothing more than a branded back end of godaddy. They might as well get rid of it already because with no search most everyone is forced to use godaddy anyways and the double branding is confusing as hell.

Is this a surprise to anyone?

I'm only surprised it lasted this long, I automatically go to GoDaddy to search and that is exactly what they want.
Exactly and everything is going through GoDaddy - I've long suspected they transfer certain offers from Afternic to GoDaddy if you list on both.
As GoDaddy & Afternic have said elsewhere:

We’re committed to optimizing our platform and appreciate your feedback. We continue to focus on providing the best tools and features for sellers through, while giving buyers a frictionless way to buy domains through our network and sale landers.

Doing so helps us stay focused on delivering the highest sell-through rate for sellers. This decision to transition searches to GoDaddy was based on data showing less than 1% of sales came from Afternic Search, primarily by expert buyers who often start with a GoDaddy Search before going to Afternic.
Doing so helps us stay focused on delivering the highest sell-through rate for sellers. This decision to transition searches to GoDaddy was based on data showing less than 1% of sales came from Afternic Search

But that's because Afternic search was terrible and I thought there was some initiative to fix it.
Simple solution to copy the godaddy/afternic landing page

Create a folder in your cpanel called "forsale"

Drop your index.html file into the forsale folder and edit your .htaccess file for that folder like below

Text Box:
ErrorDocument 404 /forsale/index.html

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301]

Now point to and you'll have a custom address exactly the same way afternic and godaddy has it set up except you're using your own lander.

For a sale use escrow or push to dan @5%

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