.AI domain names are like gold mines (1.Viewing)

.AI domain names are like gold mines

No, they're a fad with a short expiration date

A lot of people are going to be sitting on expensive real estate when the next .fad rears it's head.

They laughed when everyone was using their crazy monkey avatars and I said the same about NFT's.

My favourite fad/fraud was Paradise Trippies.... who the heck did not see that coming?

Direct link to post on X.com



The list keeps going and going

In all the cases above I posted about them being fads, I remember arguing about vr domains with someone namepoos way back and I bought one vr domain, VRStick.com and I sit on it to this day to remind me to keep away from the fads.

,ai and .io and .xyz are all temporary

Can you make money on temporary?

Yup, just don't pay for inventory you can't sell later.
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FWIW, of all the domains in my (albeit small) portfolio, the domains that get the most purchase inquiries (2022-2023 time frame), by far, are my one-word .ai domains. Haven't sold any of them yet, but I sure hope to. Majority of my portfolio is .com and I have no plans to change that.
Screenshot (27).png

In other words, when the made up hype dies down a lot of people are going to be sitting on quite a lot of questionable real estate.

Can you say meta, vr, xyz nft etc.

To me the craziest thing of all time was twitter full of ape avatars, it was almost surreal.
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The Booth boys are still scamming people

I know, and you can tell when they preface their comments with stuff like "I'm not promoting .AI" that they ARE heavily promoting it for their own profit.
To me the craziest thing of all time was twitter full of ape avatars, it was almost surreal.

It was the perfect storm - COVID created an everyone-work-at-home/no vacations scenario, thereby having bored people online all day, and this really helped drive digital items and other collectibles right through the roof.

There were big bags of money just waiting to be spent for stupid crap online, that otherwise would have gone to traditional outlets like restaurants, stores, vacations, etc. It was truly an insane time, and a perfect opportunity for scammers.

But now that people are "out and about" some (like NFTs) are dead while others (Pokemon/Sports/etc. cards) are continuing to drop back to pre-COVID levels.
AI is just the next wave so ride it while it lasts.

over the years in domaining there have been a lot of keyword crazes, good example is 'VR' posted above. VR+keyword domains were hot for a while.

AI is definitely going to grow, but in 5 or 10 years it may just be an accepted thing and the AI part doesn't matter anymore, it will just be a common technology.

but for now it's obvious to see a lot of AI domain sales riding the wave, good for those who had foresight to get good single word .ai domains.
I have Ai domains in .com and none in .ai. I like the 1 word .ai domains and LLL domains that goes well with .ai. Investors like Igor (ai-names.com) and drug.ai have a great list of domains, and they were in the game long before the Chat GPT release.

I see a trend now some domain investors are registering brandable domains in .ai. It's not going to end well considering how much high the renewal price is.
I see a trend now some domain investors are registering brandable domains in .ai. It's not going to end well considering how much high the renewal price is.

The renewal price is what kept me away from .AI - it just didn't make sense from my POV.

I can remember years ago, looking at nice .AI domains on Dynadot that were selling for nothing (I listed premium LLL or word .AIs on the DR site with no takers) and although I knew they would blow up eventually, I didn't want to carry potentially 5- to 6-figures in renewals costs to build a viable portfolio.

It was serious money to risk - buy 100 .AI (which were not selling at retail at the time) and that's $11K CAD in annual holding costs.
I think pricing stability is a legit concern with any new tld... At least we presume that ccTLDs will have more stability than some corporation run purely for profit. Who knows if or when they will decide to jack up the price or completely change the pricing model. I think they might upset the balance and try putting investors out of business, forcing them to drop domains so the registry or registrar can then take back and auction or resell themselves.
forcing them to drop domains so the registry or registrar can then take back and auction or resell themselves.

I knew domaining was a speculative endeavor but that statement almost sounds like a conspiracy theory :eek:

Then again with so many conspiracy theories now based in fact one can never say never.
Are there any real rules governing pricing models for new TLDs? We've already seen it with domains reserved by the registry, premium pricing, etc... The new TLDs have experimented with all sorts of pricing models - and that's when I knew I wouldn't participate. I'm sure I've missed some opportunities, but I've also saved a lot of time and money too.
I hold a few keyword .io even though the renewal is expensive, as they can command decent prices and have a technology slant, and even more keyword .co for the same reason - expensive renewal but less than .io. Very small part of the portfolio compared to .com and .ca. I think I was too late for .ai and those renewals are even higher, the ones I would have wanted which make sense with ai would have been long gone.
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