
Thank you to everyone for you comments and suggestions.
I had mentioned to Eby that you are the professionals, and that I certainly value your opinions.
I will be making some pricing adjustments with the NorthBrand site, and make an attempt at the
leasing idea of implementing a yearly tier pricing as suggested by rim.
You might notice that the 10% off was the first to go…
Again I appreciate the support and the comments you have all made.
Sorry for the delay in getting this up - I still work for a living (aside from NorthBrand)
I had mentioned to Eby that you are the professionals, and that I certainly value your opinions.
I will be making some pricing adjustments with the NorthBrand site, and make an attempt at the
leasing idea of implementing a yearly tier pricing as suggested by rim.
You might notice that the 10% off was the first to go…
Again I appreciate the support and the comments you have all made.
Sorry for the delay in getting this up - I still work for a living (aside from NorthBrand)