How about this:
Great, I'm glad to hear you are trademarking your name! That's a smart move. Your next step should be for you to actually understand what a trademark is and what rights it gives you, and what it doesn't. Then investigate CIRA's CDRP, especially the part about domain names that pre-date your trademark. Then read about how if you knowingly file a frivolous dispute simply to harass me, that you'll likely be charged with Reverse Domain Hijacking and ordered to pay my legal costs. And I have a great domain name lawyer, he's not cheap, but he's VERY successful. Then ask yourself, is it smart for me to waste the next 2+ years of time (while you wait for your trademark application to be approved) and all of the associated legal expenses, only to still NOT have the domain name at the end of it all? Not only would you be wasting your money, more importantly, you'll be wasting your valuable time starting your business and not having the best possible brand/domain name. Or would you like to simply buy this domain, right now, no hassles involved? You could be using this domain in a few days. Your move. Choose wisely.