Are you using Wordpress for business? (2.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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I received the usual informative newsletter from Marine at WHC.


I thought I would add my own footnote to the newsletter. A large chunk of the internet runs on Wordpress websites making it probably THE most used software for websites. Although that makes it convinient it also makes it a target for people wanting to hack in. So it is imperative you always run the latest security and limit your wordpress plugins. A lot of the security issues with wordpress come with insecure plugins.

One of the first things I used to do back in the day when I used wordpress was to change the control panel address and install additional security plugins. Even with all that one of my business sites still got hacked and I ended up switching the site to blogger. I stripped all blogger markings and made it look like a website and it's been running for over a decade with no hacks, no down time and totally free courtesy of google. That said it is a limited website so if you want new and modern you need to go with wordpress or similar products, but just understand that thinking about security on wordpress is not enough, you have to be proactive or become a victim of inaction.

Anyways, thanks for the informative article MarineN @MarineN

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