.CA AV.ca Sold For $20,000 CDN by Ilze Kaulins-Plaskacz at ExcellentDomains.ca (1 Viewing)

That's a low prize for that domain IMO, congrats to buyer and seller

I might put up a bet (at least during the Restricted/Blocked TBR Madness) that a TBR auction would yield a similar price.
I might put up a bet (at least during the Restricted/Blocked TBR Madness) that a TBR auction would yield a similar price.

At one point in every domainers career the focus has to be on selling instead of holding.

Ilze has been doing this a long time and I have noticed her moving out domains at decent pricing.

I can see her point for doing it, I myself intend to hand my catalog to my son but eventually everyone will face the decision to start letting the domains go instead of holding.

All that said.... she is still bringing in pretty decent money on top of the nice sales she's had in the past.
At one point in every domainers career the focus has to be on selling instead of holding.

I realize this, and she has been quite fair on a lot of her pricing lately, and I'm more making a comment on the over-inflation of some TBR auction "Gold Rush" prices.

If over the long years of holding, she had a higher offer on AV.ca than $20K she would have probably taken it. And I really think that at certain times, AV.ca at TBR auction would have matched or surpassed that price.
Congrats Ilze. Always lovely to hear domain sales stories.
You have done well for yourself and to the industry.
Aw Geez Everyone....Thank you so much for the kind words...Most of us have been thru this since TBR was invented, lol. I was just lucky enough to grab a few good ones. The best part is that I know most of you, and the friendships we have are priceless!! ❤️
She also reported selling FLL.ca for CAD $9,352 and BTL.ca for CAD $5,424 which is likely about 10x and 3x gold-rush TBR pricing so both solid sales.

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