BIN purchases at godaddy (1 Viewing)

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Nov 7, 2020
Vernon, BC
I bought a .ca domain yesterday at a BIN price in the low $xxxx on godaddy, and paid by CC. The domain was already registered at Godaddy so it should just be a push into my account, I kinda hoped it would be fast.

I don't usually mess with Godaddy much, so I'm not really sure how their systems work. Does the owner have a chance to renege on a BIN sale?

Also, does anyone know how long it typically takes for Godaddy to actually put the domain in my account, keeping in mind its a push, not a transfer?

I think in cases of a push (rather than a transfer, where GD does it automatically), the domain owner needs to initiate the transfer, as least it used to be that way when I did it years ago.

Again, this could be old info, but definitely get ahold of GoDaddy to make sure.
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From my experience it depends on the domain owner who has to authorize, I have seen it take 3 days to get a domain keeping me on pins and needles.

Really it should be automatic, I list, you buy, it fast transfers out.
Both parties have an agreement, what more do we need?
MapleDots said:
From my experience it depends on the domain owner who has to authorize, I have seen it take 3 days to get a domain keeping me on pins and needles.

Really it should be automatic, I list, you buy, it fast transfers out.
Both parties have an agreement, what more do we need?

I tend to agree. But then again, if they were my domains I'd want to have some oversight as well. What if your godaddy account got hacked, they lowered your prices to $100 for a $10,000+ domains, then paid for them all to make it look legitimate and voila, your domains are gone and they have a legit looking receipt of sale. They could even claim they weren't the hacker, they just happened to notice the bargain and legitimately bought the domains. Kind of a scary situation. I know its a stretch, but I guess I get it that there should be checks and balances by the owner. But I also hope they're not going to renege on the deal either....
rlm said:
I tend to agree. But then again, if they were my domains I'd want to have some oversight as well. What if your godaddy account got hacked, they lowered your prices to $100 for a $10,000+ domains, then paid for them all to make it look legitimate and voila, your domains are gone and they have a legit looking receipt of sale. They could even claim they weren't the hacker, they just happened to notice the bargain and legitimately bought the domains. Kind of a scary situation.

This is why, unless I know the person, I only spend significant money on transferrable domains and then transfer them far, far, far away from the originating registrar. Too many horror stories of GD (and others) taking back domains due to scams like this, as well as the old "buy a ton of expired domains on stolen credit cards, sell them cheap as pushes, then run!" trick.
I could be wrong but I thought if a domain is held at godaddy and sells at godaddy, then godaddy takes control of the domain and takes care of everything (for a push). And because of that the seller can’t renege since it’s in godaddys control at that point.

I believe it’s all done automatically, but not necessarily immediately. Maybe 2-3 days minimum to complete the transaction, 5 days max, if the buyer pays right away. As a buyer you should have the domain in 2-3 days I’d imagine, and the seller needs to wait maybe a day or two longer for the funds to be officially released to them.

I definitely don’t think you have any reason to worry if you paid already and the domain is already at GD. Just give it a day or two.
I'll be patient and give it a day or two. It's just weird that I get an email receipt immediately, but no indication about what the next step is or when the expected timeline is. Something would be nice.
rlm said:
I'll be patient and give it a day or two. It's just weird that I get an email receipt immediately, but no indication about what the next step is or when the expected timeline is. Something would be nice.
Does it show the domain under the auction > Won page?
silentg said:
Does it show the domain under the auction > Won page?

Thanks for that. I didn't realize that was even there. I didn't go through the godaddy auctions pages, I simply visited the domain and hit buy. So anyway, yes, they are there (I bought two actually) and they do say "processing". That kind of stuff should really be better linked to my account. When I log into my account, there's zero reference to it, not from the invoice, there's no "transfer center" like some registrars will have, etc...
If the domain is not enrolled in the "fast transfer" program, it could take up to a week or two before you get the domain, and the owner can back out of the deal days after you have submitted payment. Yes, not ideal scenario, that is for sure... Good luck, hope you get the domain.
MaiTaiMan said:
If the domain is not enrolled in the "fast transfer" program, it could take up to a week or two before you get the domain, and the owner can back out of the deal days after you have submitted payment. Yes, not ideal scenario, that is for sure... Good luck, hope you get the domain.

Thanks Bill. GoDaddy support via chat was effing useless. They just gave me bs canned answers, about what I expected. Would be nice if their system had some transparency. I like for that reason, they give a step-by-step status of what's going on... I guess I'll just have to wait and see what I eventually get, 2 domains or 2 refunds...
rlm said:
I guess I'll just have to wait and see what I eventually get, 2 domains or 2 refunds...

That's the Godaddy way.
Develop said:
You can always check whois for the last UPDATED DATE to see if actions are occurring.

Yeah, I did, and they were updated the day I bought them. What I didn't check was, what was the status before I bought it? Right now, both domains show:

Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited

So in its current state, it cannot be transfered/deleted/updated. However, those flags are in theory set by the registrar at the client's request (like when you turn "lock" on or off). It could also be that GoDaddy is using those client*prohibited statuses to freeze a domain to prevent the owner from trying to transfer it away quickly. Or it could be that the owner saw the sale, didn't like it and went in and turned "lock" on. In theory that doesn't prevent it from being "pushed" though. So its still anybodies guess what is actually happening...
I just remembered that these are both pushes, and were registrar locked beforehand, so it's neither here nor there.
Well - I bought 2 domains in two transactions, a couple minutes apart. Both from the same seller.

Weirdly, one showed up in my account today. One not. I assume they'll get around to working on the next one.

I notice that GoDaddy says I can't transfer the domain for 60 days - despite the fact that there was no transfer (the domain was already at GoDaddy) - it was just a registrant change.

[notify]richard.schreier[/notify] - can a registrar self impose a lock on my domain that isn't required by CIRA? I feel like I should be able to transfer the domain immediately, no?
I thought a change of registrant info triggered a 60 day lock/hold with .ca Rob.
[notify]rlm[/notify] and [notify]jaydub[/notify], I think CA is a bit different than most registries. A change of RAR is called a transfer while a change in RANT (without changing RARs) is simply a domain update. After a successful "transfer" (the domain is now in the hands of a new RAR), the domain will be in a "serverTransferProhibited" status for 60 days, meaning it cannot be transferred again to another RAR for 60 days.

There are no restrictions placed on the domain status by CIRA when the RANT is updated but the domain remains at the same RAR. I'm not 100% sure but I think COM operates on the basis of a change in RANT as well and as a result many RARs have adopted a standard lock as part of their architecture.

There is no CIRA imposed lock if a domain name RANT is changed while the domain remains at the same RAR.
Thanks [notify]richard.schreier[/notify] *THUMBSUP*

So example..I push a domain to another eg.NamesPro account (which will automatically change the registrant info) and then they want to transfer it to another registrar…they could do it right away?
jaydub said:
Thanks [notify]richard.schreier[/notify] *THUMBSUP*

So example..I push a domain to another eg.NamesPro account (which will automatically change the registrant info) and then they want to transfer it to another registrar…they could do it right away?

yes, that should be possible.

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