[Rant mode On]
Ugh - man I hate godaddy. Today, a seller was pushing in 13 domains I purchased. Trying to accept those domains was a royal pain in the ass. Jumped through all the forms to assign contacts multiple times - always just got mysterious errors with no explanation, like where a form had greyed out boxes expecting you to fill in stuff despite the fact it was greyed out. After tricking the forms into allowing me to proceed by checking/unchecking certain boxes, I could at least get a "next" button to un-grey itself. Making it to the end of 13 domains (even though I selected the "apply to all" button), I get to the end and it just hamster wheels, eventually dies, and says call support. So while waiting on hold for 30 minutes, I try again, multiple times. Nothing works. Then I get support on the phone finally and they just tell me to do the same shit I already did, of course. After a couple more failures, she wants screen shots. After sending screen shots, she finally believes me that its not me. Then she wants screenshots from the email Godaddy sent to the old owner to prove that there was no button or link to approve the changes (which there wasn't, just a list of the domains that were being changed). I try again, no dice. Support person doesn't know what to do other than try again. So I try again, magically it works. As soon as she said "I now see the domains in your account" I heard dial tone. Well that was courteous! I would never ever purposely use GoDaddy to hold my .CA's.
[/Rant mode off]