Perhaps charging a token amount ($1) to register would reduce spam?
Disrupting the economics of spam tends to be more effective than trying to use technical approaches.....
I wish it were that easy...
The contact form
Received 282 spam messages last night, rendering it useless for members to use as a method of contact when they have login issues. Having to scan 282 spams for a single legitimate is response quite time consuming. That does not even get into our sponsor@ pay@ donate@ admin@ etc email addresses.
Also spam registrations advertising services, 95% get caught but must be individually reviewed and deleted daily.
So much time is allocated daily to spam that it is becoming easier to ban the countries of origin because the flow never stops.
Additionally we have had to block certain VPN's from accessing
Server attacks are getting more frequent as well as people trying to hide code in posts which causes an immediate alarm.
Quite honestly this project of passion is consuming so much time that there are days where I wonder why I should continue. The costs of running the board keep going up and the time needed to assure things run is ever expanding. Each software upgrade gets more difficult and major parts of the code have to be re-written or re-purchased.
Little to no support from members when I ask for volunteers to help either so it is on me to constantly to be alert and logged in. Banning these counties will do a lot to lessen my daily workload because quite honestly at this point I am getting overwhelmed with how much work it is to run the community.