CBC now listed as Government Funded Media (2.Viewing)

Carbon debate aside, CBC published this 5 hours ago:


"We cannot in good conscience continue to post fact-based news and information to Twitter, or engage on it, while a false impression of government involvement in our work is allowed to stand."

CBC claims it gives a "false impression", but is it true or not that CBC is government funded? I think it's factually true, and that it's not necessarily a bad thing.

Twitter is doing this for all media outlets across the world. It's not like they're targeting CBC. And just because something is government funded doesn't automatically mean it's biased. CBC is just reacting this way because a lot of people already thought they were biased before this.
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Carbon debate aside, CBC published this 5 hours ago:


"We cannot in good conscience continue to post fact-based news and information to Twitter, or engage on it, while a false impression of government involvement in our work is allowed to stand."

CBC claims it gives a "false impression", but is it true or not that CBC is government funded? I think it's factually true, and that it's not necessarily a bad thing.

Twitter is doing this for all media outlets across the world. It's not like they're targeting CBC. And just because something is government funded doesn't automatically mean it's biased. CBC is just reacting this way because a lot of people already thought they were biased before this.

The problem is that most people aren't knowledgeable about details regarding this stuff, and they think "government funded" is the same thing as "government directed".

We see examples right here in this thread. MapleDots apparently thinks that the CBC is a government mouthpiece, even though the CBC is frankly more independent than Canada's corporate media.
I wouldn’t called them a mouthpiece for the liberals but they are often quick to jump on the leftist bandwagon while completely ignoring right-wing issues/opinions. They often ignore until they can’t reasonably do so anymore, like how they ignored the convoy for a week until they finally showed up in Ottawa and took over. Not saying I agreed with the convoy, but they definitely ignored them until they couldn’t anymore.
We will never agree on that so I will end that part of the debate, we are carbon creatures and taxing carbon is idiotic.

Instead give us a way to reduce carbon by giving us tax breaks to install less carbon heavy appliances. In fact just subsidize those appliances to begin with to encourage everyone to use them. Then ban PRIVATE jets and have our pretty boy Trudeau fly first class commercial instead. The biggest polluter is private jets, that should carry a mega carbon tax.

So I will never be convinced Trudeau is on the right track, tax and grab is never the answer. Using CBC to push that agenda is just wrong and I am heavily in favour of labeling CBC as government funded, because they are. Again, lets push those billions into subsidizing appliances, furnaces and gas stoves to forward the carbonless agenda. We don't need a news channel to preach government hypocrisy, we need action and the Liberal government has shown a completely inept ability to manage Canada. Quite honestly it's time to move over, The PC party will win and they certainly cannot screw up more than our unqualified teacher boy already has.

1) Yeah, well, you saying "a tax on carbon is idiotic", is to me like hearing someone say that Red.ca is worth $1000. Carbon pricing just makes sense, and it's clear as day. Just like Red.ca is worth far more than $1000. Like I said, if you read that page about Externalities to better inform yourself, you may change your view.

2) Where will those subsidies for appliances come from? You apparently want to raise other taxes in order to fund your subsidies idea. Plus, if the government subsidizes some appliances, companies will later just raise the prices and take some of it for themselves. Your idea doesn't work and is not practical anyway.

It's better to get at the source of carbon emissions, via companies, and then compensate consumers. And that is what's being done.

Also, Prime Ministers aren't even allowed to fly commercial, due to the obvious security concerns.

3) Your last paragraph is just a sad example of how people have gotten brainwashed.

How has the government "used the CBC" to push an agenda? Do you actually watch/read the news? The CBC is independent. You saying "We don't need a news channel to preach government hypocrisy" simply shows that you don't know what you're talking about.

Also, the PC party is dead federally (unfortunately), and now they're just the Reform Party calling themselves Conservatives.

Also, it's hilarious that you call Trudeau unqualified, when PP only worked for a politician for about a year, and then has been an MP since then.

I actually know about these issues, and if you watch Trudeau do a news conference, it's clear he does too, and he answers the questions better than I could.

And Trudeau actually has more education, and from better universities than PP. But anyway, the main part of being a politician is communication, and Trudeau and PP both do that well, and they do understand the issues (but PP is just evil and stands for nothing except whatever will help him... I've known about the guy since before he was even an MP).
We see examples right here in this thread. MapleDots apparently thinks that the CBC is a government mouthpiece, even though the CBC is frankly more independent than Canada's corporate media.

I don't think they are a government mouth piece, I KNOW they are heavily biased toward the current Liberal government.

I think the CBC serves a good purpose but I truly don't believe the higher powers publish without bias.

How can you explain things happening in the news that never appear on CBC yet they appear on other sites such as the National Post?

On CBC its absolute radio silence on important things that should be seen by the people.

ANYONE that thinks the CBC is not INFLUENCED by the current government is not reading from numerous news sources.
I see it time and time again, coverage on other news sites and radio silence on CBC if it's critical of the Trudeau government.
I wouldn’t called them a mouthpiece for the liberals but they are often quick to jump on the leftist bandwagon while completely ignoring right-wing issues/opinions. They often ignore until they can’t reasonably do so anymore, like how they ignored the convoy for a week until they finally showed up in Ottawa and took over. Not saying I agreed with the convoy, but they definitely ignored them until they couldn’t anymore.

Leftist bandwagon in what way? Just curious of an example.

And CTV and CBC were pretty similar in their coverage of the convoy. No one really expected them to stay there and take over... apparently even the police, and the police were telling the media it would just be for the weekend.

In the past, there have been other protests, but no one actually acted like the convoy degenerates -- it was unprecedented.
I don't think they are a government mouth piece, I KNOW they are heavily biased toward the current Liberal government.

I think the CBC serves a good purpose but I truly don't believe the higher powers publish without bias.

How can you explain things happening in the news that never appear on CBC yet they appear on other sites such as the National Post?

On CBC its absolute radio silence on important things that should be seen by the people.

ANYONE that thinks the CBC is not INFLUENCED by the current government is not reading from numerous news sources.
I see it time and time again, coverage on other news sites and radio silence on CBC if it's critical of the Trudeau government.

1) No, you don't KNOW that, you unfortunately don't know what you're talking about or how the CBC operates.

In what way are they biased? Show me an example. I hear this type of thing from right-wingers a lot, but in fact, they don't actually watch it, and just spread the BS they see from the memes spread by right-wing media.

2) Give me an example (regarding "How can you explain things happening in the news that never appear on CBC yet they appear on other sites such as the National Post?"). But one obvious answer is that the National Post is owned by right-wing Americans, who DO push their agenda.

3) No, I read from various sources, and also periodically checkout right-wing forums to see what the minions are talking about. And they're just wrong and/or under-informed on a lot of things. I also have a close friend who somehow has right-wing views, so I understand their mindset.

Also, did you ever think of this: It sounds like you consume a lot of right-wing media sources. They have an obvious agenda, and they twist a lot of things out of context. And it's often frankly BS (like The Toronto Sun as one well-known example) -- so yes, if you don't see that in the CBC, that doesn't mean the CBC is biased. It simply means that YOUR news source is the problem.

Study: Breitbart-led right-wing media ecosystem altered broader media agenda

This type of effect has probably influenced a lot of Canadians too:

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I love it @HelloCanada

Unfortunately this is not a political forum and for me to truly challenge you on this I would have to devote quite a bit of time and effort and in the end I would not convince you and you would not convince me.

Give me the old Harper government or some semblance of it and I'm all in.... full stop.

My vote will not go Liberal, never has, never will but I would consider PPC if I thought he could take even a few ridings.

Conrad Black & Rex Murphy say it much better than I ever can, reading some of their stuff is pretty eye opening.
I love it @HelloCanada

Unfortunately this is not a political forum and for me to truly challenge you on this I would have to devote quite a bit of time and effort and in the end I would not convince you and you would not convince me.

Give me the old Harper government or some semblance of it and I'm all in.... full stop.

My vote will not go Liberal, never has, never will but I would consider PPC if I thought he could take even a few ridings.

Conrad Black & Rex Murphy say it much better than I ever can, reading some of their stuff is pretty eye opening.

Yeah, I've spent too much time on this already today, but it just saddens me that so many people have gotten brainwashed.

You can tell me some right-wing talking point, and I can rip it apart with the truth. I know about this stuff, and it's just clear as day to me.

Also, Harper was terrible. Did you know this about him?
Stephen Harper and the Theo-cons | The Walrus

And did you know how he literally ordered government library research to be thrown in the trash? And without notice, so that scientists couldn't retain it themselves. That way, previous records can't easily be checked (like for environmental research):
Exclusive: Inside the Harper government's trashing of a research library

Rex Murphy is a nutjob, so I don't know why you would listen to him. Sadly, the CBC even gave him a platform for so many years, which again shows how you're wrong about the CBC.

And Conrad Black did jailtime for his crimes, so not sure why you trust what he says (although I've read his articles once in a while, and he is eloquent).

Sorry if I sound arrogant in what I said, but again: People saying PP or Bernier are good, is to me, like if someone says Red.ca is only worth $1000. It's just not true.

The Conservatives are terrible (really just the Reform Party taking over the name), and the PPC are even worse.


Also, this is what commonly happens... people are asked to provide an example of what they say, and they're unable to. Because they got misled by right-wing media.
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Speaking of bias and brainwashed...

lol, yeah right. I'm just stating the truth, and I back it up with details.

I think the biggest thing is to be well-informed. Like I said, if more people were better informed, they would see through the BS spread by right-wing politicians & organizations nowadays.

My views don't fit any one party.

But the Conservative and Republican parties nowadays are far different than they used to be. But too many voters just keep voting for them out of habit.

It's one thing if a right-wing party proposes something that has a logic to it, and is based upon principles. I disagree with Andrew Coyne's views, but I can see why he brings up certain points, because he has actual principles.

But nowadays, right-wing parties lack principles, and pollute the political landscape with lies and manipulated half-truths.
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Rex Murphy is a nutjob, so I don't know why you would listen to him. Sadly, the CBC even gave him a platform for so many years, which again shows how you're wrong about the CBC.

And Conrad Black did jailtime for his crimes, so not sure why you trust what he says (although I've read his articles once in a while, and he is eloquent).

We all have skeletons in our closet but it does not negate the fact that....

1. Rex Murphy was a well respected journalist at CBC for 21 years. He was not able to fully say what he wanted too and as soon as he retired he decided to speak the truth about the media. He knows the inner workings of the CBC like no other yet he is a nutjob? Huh?

2. Conrad black has owned so many news papers, he calls it and tells us the CBC is in the pocket of Trudeau

Again, when we see the truth we get called brainwashed?

Have you ever considered the Liberals have brainwashed people with their control of the media for 10 years?

I could name many smart smart influential people that see the CBC/Liberal ties yet we are the ones brainwashed?

Hehe, I think not, maybe consider the fact, even remotely, that it could be the other way around.
I have been “slacking” lately in posting here but I just had to comment in this thread.

I haven’t read all of the thread so I apologize if I repeat what’s already been said.

It’s a known fact that the CBC gets over 1 BILLION per year from the Government. There’s an old saying, “don’t bite the hand that feeds you”.

I have seen many scenarios over the last year or so where the MSM (CBC) will take a story and twist the actual facts.

Anybody remember that “Freedom convoy protest”? Their was an actual headline in the MSM that read, “Anti-mandate protesters in Ottawa tear down fence that was put up around National War Memorial.”

The actual story is:

“ The fence that was "torn down" was by our veterans (thank you for your service). These veterans are not "anti vaccine or anti-mask" but PRO freedom. The Police showed up but saw what was happening and stood down!”

So can you see what a “Government funded” media can do? The question is, why was the whole truth twisted?

That is just one example of how media outlets like the CBC will not give you the whole truth. I feel like we need a thread here on DN just to show you a story from the CBC then the ACTUAL REAL story.

Anytime I see something on the “news”, I take it with a grain of salt.

I absolutely love this Tweet from CBC/Radio-Canada:

“Our journalism is impartial and independent. To suggest otherwise is untrue.” It literally made me LOL.
Rex Murphy seems like a crackpot these days. Also, I see that:
"After receiving several public complaints in 2014, the CBC's ombudsman investigated claims that Murphy may have been in conflict of interest by criticizing opponents of the Alberta oil sands in his Point of view segments while receiving money from the oil industry for paid speeches."

lol, so blatant. So it's no surprise he's against carbon pricing.

Again, why do you trust Conrad Black? And hmm, do you think that a guy who owned newspapers/news-sites might just have a bias against an organization that publishes news-sites? The CBC was his competitor, so yeah, it's no surprise that he has a grunge against them. He wanted/wants less competition.

Just because those guys say something doesn't make it true.

Again, what you're saying is simply untrue. The CBC is simply not "in the pocket of Trudeau", and you're listening to liars.

Regarding this:
"Have you ever considered the Liberals have brainwashed people with their control of the media for 10 years?"

LOL, "control of the media". Did you see these links I gave earlier?

The Globe and Mail editorial board wanted to endorse the Ontario Liberals in 2014, but the billionaire owner of the Globe and Mail didn't like that, so he got his stooge to overrule them:
SOURCE: Globe Editorial Board endorsed Wynne Liberals, was overruled

And likewise, they've done that federally to support the federal Conservatives too:
Did the owners of Canada’s national newspapers order them to endorse Harper? | Ricochet

And again, the government DOES NOT control how the CBC reports news. The CBC operates independently.

I think the problem is that you consume right-wing media that is telling you lies. And you're not questioning the biases of that right-wing media.

Did you know that the National Post is owned by right-wing Americans?

Postmedia's Deep Ties With The Company Jeff Bezos Has Accused Of Extortion

Follow the Money, Part 4 -- Who owns the National Post?

Like I said, when asked to provide examples, right-wingers generally can't do that... because they were fed lies by their right-wing media. A steady stream of that + the memes that right-wing organizations spread ( Explainer: The rise of Canada’s right-wing meme pages ) is how people do basically get brainwashed.

The major media in Canada has a right-wing bias, and the CBC at least provides a centrist view.
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Anybody remember that “Freedom convoy protest”? Their was an actual headline in the MSM that read, “Anti-mandate protesters in Ottawa tear down fence that was put up around National War Memorial.”

The actual story is:

“ The fence that was "torn down" was by our veterans (thank you for your service). These veterans are not "anti vaccine or anti-mask" but PRO freedom. The Police showed up but saw what was happening and stood down!”

So can you see what a “Government funded” media can do? The question is, why was the whole truth twisted?

That is just one example of how media outlets like the CBC will not give you the whole truth. I feel like we need a thread here on DN just to show you a story from the CBC then the ACTUAL REAL story.

Anytime I see something on the “news”, I take it with a grain of salt.

I absolutely love this Tweet from CBC/Radio-Canada:

“Our journalism is impartial and independent. To suggest otherwise is untrue.” It literally made me LOL.

LOL, “Anti-mandate protesters in Ottawa tear down fence that was put up around National War Memorial” is accurate.

It was reported the same way by other media:

Protesters tear down fencing around the National War Memorial

Convoy protesters tear down fence protecting National War Memorial - National | Globalnews.ca

That was the story, and it's a simple, factual headline. But you're so biased that you apparently can't fathom that.

Just because they were veterans doesn't mean they weren't protesters. And the organizers of the protest/occupation even said the protest was about the mandate for truckers -- i.e. Anti-mandate (which was stupid to complain about, since the US had the same rule in place. Plus, the whole thing was idiotic anyway... most of the issues the convoyers were complaining about related to provincial regulations).

Also, because they torn down the fence, other convoyers later urinated on the War Memorial.

Anyway, the point is that your criticism is invalid.
It’s funny you shared an article from Rachel Gilmore. She has since been fired from Global. What was she fired for? Misinformation?

Anyway, the point is that your criticism is invalid.
Where was my “criticism”?

I was simply stating how biased the media is. Again, they don’t want to “bite the hand that feeds them”.

Here is the footage where the fence was being “torn down”.

Today at the War Memorial in Ottawa the veterans took down the barricades. Watch what happens at the end of this video. Watch till the end. My friend... | By Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson | Facebook

Notice how he intentionally mentions Trudeau, he is the most proud of Trudeau

He continues to talk about Trudeau and how they penetrated hald of the Trudeau cabinet.

This is so so scary

You must listen to this, how can it be disputed?

Umm, that's a perfect example of what I was talking about.

You're getting your news & views partly from right-wing memes.

That's what this article talks about:

Explainer: The rise of Canada’s right-wing meme pages

And it is what influences people. If people see a constant stream of memes like that, that is how they essentially get brainwashed.

Do you actually know what the World Economic Forum is and does? It's not some conspiracy.

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