CIRA: Debunking Internet of Things (IoT) Myths - virtual Meet-up (1.Viewing)

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CIRA Email said:
Listen. When it comes to IoT, there are a ton of myths out there.

Is the IoT market all about smart devices and connected homes? Will IoT devices eventually replace humans in the workforce? Is IoT just an Orwellian nightmare in the making?

To help separate fact from fiction, we've assembled an A-Team of Canadian IoT experts for a virtual panel discussion on March 23rd at 1:00 p.m. Register to attend (for free!) below.

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Meet our IoT Myth Busters
D’autres participants au groupe seront confirmés au cours des prochains jours…

* Rachel Bartholomew, President & CEO, HyIvy Health
* Natasha D’Souza, IoT Security Product Manager, CIRA
* Barrie Kirk, Executive Director, CAVCOE (Canadian Automated Vehicles Centre of Excellence)
* Amber Mac, President, AmberMac Media Inc.

Learn more.

Why participate?

Hear from a diverse group of IoT experts: Internationally-renowned Canadian tech commentator, Amber Mac, will moderate our panel.

Get educated: We’ll set the record straight on many IoT myths. Learn why IoT security is of critical importance and what you can do today to keep you and your data safe. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask our panelists questions using our Social Q&A tool.

Learn about the growth of IoT in Canada: From the roll-out of autonomous vehicles to the development of new medical technologies, you’ll get a full birds-eye-view of what’s happening on IoT in Canada.

The details

What: CIRA virtual meet-up
When: Wednesday, January 23, 2021, 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. ET
Where: We will send you the online coordinates ahead of the event.
Cost: None! To ensure that everyone interested can attend the event, we have made it free of charge.
Do you think IoT is an important topic that CIRA needs to cover? Do you have IoT devices? How do you secure yours?

Do you think a "panel" is a "meet-up"?
CIRA's got this Labs project that this is connected to, an IoT registry:

The CIRA Secure IoT Registry enables Zero Touch Device Identity Management of IoT devices. It leverages the eSIM as the hardware Root of Trust in an IoT device and is based on the IoT SAFE standard from GSMA. Check out our Labs page for more details on this project.. Connect with us if you are interested in knowing more about this project or partnering with us.

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