CIRA & Twitter (1 Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

I'm not sure why big corporations have the mentality that twitter should be free.

It costs money to run a platform and for a company as big as CIRA to not show support is kind of short sighted.

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They don’t wanna pay $8 but have no problem raising their price by a dollar for domains and costing people thousands. I guess it’s only OK for them to make money. No one else.
Clearly it is no sweat for any legit business in the world to pay for the verification, for all the points you guys have pointed out. If you can't afford that, you should not be in business. This isn't about money, this is, like everything else going on now days, purely social virtue signalling, and I guess people in CIRA don't like Elon Musk and that's that.
If you don’t like Twitter instead of making a silly statement like that maybe just stop using Twitter. They know that would hurt them more. So they end up making ridiculous statements that it’s about phishing attacks and criminals.

Just like a domain name…if you want to be reputable you need to pay for that domain to make yourself stand out. That concept is lost even on CIRA.
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I guess people in CIRA don't like Elon Musk and that's that.

Hehe.... you think?

Screenshot (63).png

All the people that don't like twitter go to Mastodon.
I tried them and the censor kings are as rampant as on namepros. YIKES
Hehe.... you think?

Screenshot (63).png

All the people that don't like twitter go to Mastodon.
I tried them and the censor kings are as rampant as on namepros. YIKES
Well, they still have twitter listed too, lol. But that definitely makes it look like they're explicitly promoting one over all the others, with the name being spelled out like that.
Well, they still have twitter listed too, lol. But that definitely makes it look like they're explicitly promoting one over all the others, with the name being spelled out like that.

Going from memory but I seem to remember for a while they had no twitter listed and then it came back.

At the time I kind of chuckled saying to myself they will be back, Mastedon is no replacement. They made the software that runs Twitter and Gab and most anyone can use it but with mixed results. They've never had any real traction and quite honestly I wonder why the link is even on the site.
Going from memory but I seem to remember for a while they had no twitter listed and then it came back.

At the time I kind of chuckled saying to myself they will be back, Mastedon is no replacement. They made the software that runs Twitter and Gab and most anyone can use it but with mixed results. They've never had any real traction and quite honestly I wonder why the link is even on the site.

Interesting. Honestly, the only reason I ever even see twitter is because occasionally I'll follow a link you guys post. I never go to twitter on my own. I don't have a problem with it, I'm just not interested.

But I do side with Musk from the perspective that the platform would be best if there were truly authenticated users. Scammers, lies & propaganda need to be eliminated. I don't like the positive feedback loops that content display algorithms are optimized for, and negative behaviours should be filtered out, not amplified. And that goes for any social media platform, not just twitter.

Bots have some usefulness for scheduling purposes, but not for fake users, fake likes, flooding any channels, etc... Bot access should be blocked and allowed only on a pay-for-basis so it can be monitored and limited.

To be honest, I don't know the state of how good or bad social media is, I just avoid it altogether.
There are verification systems out there. A business using any social media should be happy to use them, even if you have to pay for them.

Heck, even @CatchDrop uses one so Kudos to them for attempting to KYC.

I've got an idea, there should be a way to link your business's EV SSL certificate (Extended Validation) to your social media accounts.

Extended Validation involves a full background check of the organization. The CA will make sure that the organization exists and is legally registered as a business, that they actually are present at the address they list, and so on. This validation level takes the longest and costs the most, but Extended Validation SSL certificates are more trustworthy than other types of SSL certificates

So if your domain is EV SSL certified, and you can create a valid TXT record in DNS for verifying your social media accounts, that should be good, no? It's kinda like domain ownership verification for various platforms, with the added security that your business has to also be EV SSL certified.

That seems to me like a reasonable way to be auto-validated as a legit business linked account.

But verification aside, I think it is perfectly in their rights for any social media platform to charge business customers for an account. So I think some automated validation like I mentioned, or even a one-time-fee for a thorough verification directly with the platform, plus an annual subscription, is completely justifiable for business use.

I think CIRA could/should do the same thing. Charge a one time fee for a registrant account validation. Once you get approved, then you are free to put as many domains under that registrant ID as you like. Optionally, the first time you register a domain, you still pay and agree to the CPR like normal, but you also agree to comply with a thorough registrant validation within 60 days, otherwise your domains tied to that account get released and you forfeit the funds paid for them. Everything can stay under privacy, but at least we know CIRA can claim to actually KYC.
Although I agree with the above. CIRA should be doing this regardless. As part of the cost for registration. They really don’t need any more money in their pocket.
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Although I agree with the above. CIRA should be doing this regardless. As part of the cost for registration. They really don’t need any more money in their pocket.
Ah, but the bigger the CEO builds his empire, the more employees, the more $$$ managed, the more he can justify his own salary increases.
Ah, but the bigger the CEO builds his empire, the more employees, the more $$$ managed, the more he can justify his own salary increases.

I am sure if CIRA were to implement anything like this they would most likely pass it on to the registrar like they do everything else. They love when the onus falls on the registrar. It’s just an easy pay check.
I am sure if CIRA were to implement anything like this they would most likely pass it on to the registrar like they do everything else. They love when the onus falls on the registrar. It’s just an easy pay check.
But would still increase the price anyways, lol.

In all seriousness, if it were to be done, it should be done by CIRA just for consistency in application, and that a registrar can't be biased towards a big client. And it is CIRA's rules for CPR after all. And ultimately, they do it now, just only after the fact when there is a RIV. So they do already do it. But I'm not sure exactly what the full procedure is. When it happened for me many years ago, I remember my registrar contacted me and requested the info. I don't know if they passed it on to CIRA, or if CIRA just took the registrar's word for it.

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