Dan Carlson (1.Viewing)

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Nov 16, 2020
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Hi everyone!

I am from Ladysmith, Vancouver Island. I have been domaining for @6years, I was instantly fascinated with Domains.

Friends would probably say I was obsessed with it, no matter where I was or who I was with, randomly in the middle of a sentence a domain idea would pop up either through a conversation, street sign, or something I heard on the radio and I would be on my phone looking for different variations of my brainstorm.

I bought soooo many crap domains, and still do... I just can't help myself. I mainly buy .ca's but have a mix of everything.

I have attended NamesCon twice, a couple DNSeattle events, and one of the events Richard put on in Vancouver.

still love domains - still buying crap - trying to improve.

I have been a Paramedic for 32yrs, only 3 more left and I would love to build out a few domains for some added income by then.

I look forward to the conversations we will have.

Good to have another “islander” and good guy on board

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