Discuss the new WHC control panel (1 Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

So [notify]FM[/notify] says there are new features like forwarding in the whc control panel now.

I no longer have any domains at WHC because of the no forwarding issue.

Can anyone post some screen shots of newer features so we can discuss them?
It's not really a new control panel yet, but we're working on that too :)

The new sections:

Domain Forwarding (shadow allows you to edit the title and meta tags, too)

Email Forwarding:

Advanced DNS Manager:

I should add that we're still making some updates to the interfaces.
It's starting to look very nice

Can one bulk select and add a forwarder to a number of domains at the same time?
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MapleDots said:
Can one bulk select and add a forwarder to a number of domains at the same time?

Not yet, but it's on the list someplace ;-) Don't have an ETA yet.
Is it easy to enter and edit nameservers?

Is it easy to lock/unlock a domain?

Can you view the Auth Code of a .ca or have it emailed automatically? or do you have to request it and wait for support to do it?

free URL forwarding is a good addition.
domains said:
Is it easy to enter and edit nameservers?.

Yes for editing. Enter Nameservers? For entering, do you mean for host/glue records? That's under private nameservers at the moment, but it's pretty easy. We've added a nameserver wizard that makes it easier to connect to our existing hosting products.



domains said:
Is it easy to lock/unlock a domain?.

Yes, it's right on the domain view, click on Registrar-Lock, and turn it on/off. That hasn't changed.


domains said:
Can you view the Auth Code of a .ca or have it emailed automatically? or do you have to request it and wait for support to do it?.

This hasn't changed. Depending on the TLD you can see them right in the interface or have them mailed to you.

silentg said:
Nice improvements [notify]FM[/notify]

It's a result of great teamwork at WHC.
Still having trouble with forwarding at WHC unfortunately.

When I try to forward a domain I get the message "Zone does not exist"

I click "fix"

I get the message "Fixes cannot be made automatically"

Everything was fixed with a support ticket, but a support ticket to forward each domain is cumbersome.
Was that a Sibername transfer?

I had to fix a couple but the fix feature worked for me.
Still having trouble with forwarding at WHC unfortunately.

When I try to forward a domain I get the message "Zone does not exist"

I click "fix"

I get the message "Fixes cannot be made automatically"

Everything was fixed with a support ticket, but a support ticket to forward each domain is cumbersome.
Can you please reach out directly to me (frank at whc.ca) with some details so I can take a look at your account?
Can you please reach out directly to me (frank at whc.ca) with some details so I can take a look at your account?

I had that on my transfers from Sibername, I don't think it's an issue moving forward because my new registration was perfect.
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