DN.ca interview on domainnamewire.com (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

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Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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I will be interviewed by Andrew from domainnamewire.com on behalf of DN.ca

Discussion topic will be the .CA marketplace in Canada.

I am opening this up to members if there is anything you feel should be brought up during that interview.

One of my topics will be the strong performance of TBR in Canada and how the new competition is sparking renewed interest in TBR.

Anything else that comes to mind please respond below.

Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News
MapleDots @MapleDots I am so happy that you agreed to be interviewed. I suggested to Andrew that he reach out to you because he is always looking for interesting folks to feature on his podcast. He's a great interviewer, very relaxed and professional, so you should have a great time. This will also raise awareness of .ca's and DN.ca. Yay!
One topic suggestion is what are the cons/negatives of a Canadian company NOT buying their brand in .CA and choosing instead to go with .COM. I always warn clients that not having the .CA will negatively impact their search engine results for Canadians searching on Google, etc.
I will be interviewed by Andrew from domainnamewire.com on behalf of DN.ca

Discussion topic will be the .CA marketplace in Canada.

I am opening this up to members if there is anything you feel should be brought up during that interview.

One of my topics will be the strong performance of TBR in Canada and how the new competition is sparking renewed interest in TBR.

Anything else that comes to mind please respond below.

Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News
Congratulations! Domain Name Wire is the single best domain name resource for domain name information. I love Andrew's podcast! I'm looking forward to hearing your episode!

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Oh, Canada! - DNW Podcast #478 - Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News

I said grape.com but it should have been grape.ca, fortunately Andrew did correct that.

My parents were French/German and I was 9 when I came to Canada but when I get nervous I swear I get an accent that's not there when I'm not nervous. :LOL:
I just listened to the Podcast as well. Very informative and didn’t realize the price you paid for Waterloo.com till now.
I just finished listening and congratulations on being featured. You did promote those who support DN. Still wondering who that other registrar you didn’t want to mention their name. Lol. Andrew is a great host.

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