Do you ever second guess a drop? (1.Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON

I drop very few domains because I traditionally select them very carefully.

Once in a while I will drop 10 or so that have had little to no activity.

Not long ago I dropped &

Originally when I registered them I was thinking of the Oil Fields in Canada but I figured a few companies owned all of them and chances of them wanting the domains were slim so I dropped them.

Huge Domains snapped up and in retrospect I know it could be used in the Marijuanna catagory for Canada.

Two Questions....

1. How often do you second guess drops?

2. Has Huge Domains picked up your drops?
Between Huge Domains and Drop Catch, they capture everything. Except that Drop Catch has a way of auctioning it off within a week, which is what most Canadian drop catchers have mastered in taking the domainer to the cleaners, where as Huge Domains put it on the shelf for years.
Eby said:
Between Huge Domains and Drop Catch, they capture everything. Except that Drop Catch has a way of auctioning it off within a week, which is what most Canadian drop catchers have mastered in taking the domainer to the cleaners...

Wearing my contrarian hat again. Nobody forces us to participate or bid on the domains that drop. If we really want a domain, we can just approach the owner before the domain drops and try and buy it. Let's not forget about how much WE markup domains when selling them. Everyone has their hand in the jar...we are no better than the drop companies.
aactive said:
Let's not forget about how much WE markup domains when selling them. Everyone has their hand in the jar...we are no better than the drop companies.

Well argued @aactive.

I will make sure that I remember this on all my future markup. :)
I never second-guess drops, as I always run the numbers, look at the traffic, check if there were previous bids, and then make the final call.

If I do all that, and someone a) picks it up later and b) actually sells it for a good profit, then kudos to them.

I also don't drop much other than sale-priced hand registrations that pop up from time to time and where I am less discerning about what I buy.
I don't second either since my drops are names I got cheap it that never got action at all. If someone wants to take a chance, then all the power to them

And I've never seen my drops go on to sell for big bucks, so maybe my attitude will change if that ever happens ☺️

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