Do you know what happened to Namepros? (1.Viewing)

I have noticed that NP really seems to be going for the "world audience" and they delete any thread that someone reports for even the most spurious reasons.

I remember posting I had traced an attempted domain sale/transfer to Morocco and probably an hour later, it and a pile of other posts were absolutely nuked (someone in Morocco complained). And just the other day in a thread about the "future of domains" I stated that with our rapidly growing global population I don't see domains going away, and that was immediately deleted and I got a warning.

I asked "for what" and was told that some user in a developing country complained.

I know the NP deal so these were not inflammatory in any way, but it seems that they react to any complaint or report with a very heavy hand and that "a user complained" is all that's needed to nuke an entire thread.
There are a number of reasons NamePros is not as active as in the past.

Some are their fault. Some are just the field in general.

It kind of peaked during the early days of COVID, then faded like many things.

You would probably see a similar trend line with other alternative investments like collectibles.

The number of seasoned domain investors that use NamePros has certainly declined though.

There are a number of reasons namepoos is not as active as in the past.

Some are their fault. Some are just the field in general.

It kind of peaked during the early days of COVID, then faded like many things.

You would probably see a similar trend line with other alternative investments like collectibles.

The number of seasoned domain investors that use namepoos has certainly declined though.


I know many that quit. They were told if you don't like it go elsewhere. Many did just that. I remember them telling me that if I don't ike the deletions to go open my own forum.

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