
Yeah, I hear you. Domaining used to be more like your first paragraph, lots of new things going on, conferences, etc. a burgeoning industry, building a portfolio, looking for good hand regs...All in all yeah domaining was more fun 15 years ago when drop catch didn't get all the drops, many new industries were emerging, the internet was relatively new, new gtlds were coming out, better sales options, stronger dollars "remember when our dollar was better than US 2011 or 2012 ish...", 0.99$ coupons at GoDaddy!, cheap renewals etc. etc...
I have noticed a downward trend in sales since godaddy bought many out. Domain Name Sales was one of my favorite services back in the day but went to godaddy. Dan is now GoDaddy, Afternic now GoDaddy. Efty is good but too expensive for my smaller portfolio. Sedo is ok but i had issues with a .ca sale there so i only use it for .coms now.
When I control the sale process and follow ups etc. the sale happens. With GoDaddy I don't even know if they follow up with previous inquiry's etc.
Now for me, domaining is about holding onto my best names, finding the cheapest renewal/transfer prices, and best ways to sell. I still think domains are as important as ever, maybe it's gone from a building mindset to a maintenance mindset for the ones who've been around long enough.