Dollarama Domain Investors (2.Viewing)

Whatever you say boss.

It's basic numbers Einstein - by your own admission you own over 150 domains right now. Do the math - once you flipped your own domains for your new domains, you're back in the financial cycle again with acquisition costs, renewals, interest, etc.

As it pertains to this specific conversation, your business model didn't change. You're still selling "My Entire Portfolio" for the third time and I guess that's now your modus operandi - it's deja vu all over again.

Or like a house flipper selling House A + B + C, then using that money to purchase House D + E to sell. His financial structure didn't change at all, he just switched assets around.
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Or like a house flipper selling House A + B + C, then using that money to purchase House D + E to sell. His financial structure didn't change at all, he just switched assets around.

I get your point, it only stops when you sell the last house and keep the assets.
I get your point, it only stops when you sell the last house and keep the assets.

Yep, and as long as you have a skin in the domain game, you are subject to the challenges of "domain math". And there is only one escape. 😁

And I have to send out kudos to our own Bob Hawkes @Bob Hawkes for all the great work he does for the domain community. That "Minimum Domain Price for Profitability" article I posted contains invaluable information for investors and it's just one of his many posts that I refer to regularly.

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