I am seeing more domain investors selling domains at low $xxx. How are they making money when they're selling it at below the cost?
I am seeing more domain investors selling domains at low $xxx. How are they making money when they're selling it at below the cost?
Would you publish your list here?I have hundreds of domains scheduled to drop this year, I have started advertising them at $250 and will reduce by $50 every so often until the final sale price of $50.
At one point we have to cull excess domains and recouping even some of the cost is better than none. So you don't know when domainers do that, it could be at any time they take a number of domains and blow them out and all we see is the end sale price not knowing it was priced aggressively on purpose.
Not sure if it applies in this case but it can explain some of the lower prices we are seeing.
Merci!Here is a small list: Mostly 4 letters like sugr.ca on the cheap
I am seeing more domain investors selling domains at low $xxx. How are they making money when they're selling it at below the cost?
I think it depends on the cost of the domain. If they were hand registered then they are making money.
Nope, and not even close.
I think a hand-register .COM at $10 needs over $1000 to break even at a generous 2% STR, and these are .AI with a lot higher price tag - $60-$100 depending on the registrar.
I must have misunderstood.
If I register a domain name for $20 and sell it for $40 I'm making $20.
Not really, as there is a lot of math behind your numbers that doesn't make sense.
Our esteemed colleague Bob Hawkes wrote a very comprehensive article over at NP, although due the jocular nature of our host here, you may have to change Namepoos in the link to the proper URL:
strategy - The Minimum Domain Price for Profitability
.ai costs $150-$200 dollars for 2 years. Seller that i mentioned above has 50 more domains priced at same range. No profitability.
Not really, as there is a lot of math behind your numbers that doesn't make sense.
Our esteemed colleague Bob Hawkes wrote a very comprehensive article over at NP, although due the jocular nature of our host here, you may have to change Namepoos in the link to the proper URL:
strategy - The Minimum Domain Price for Profitability
you may have to change Namepoos in the link to the proper URL:
I see.
You are including registration fees over time, commissions, interest etc.
I'll spell it out.
No one sells 100% of their domains purchased in a year.
And therein lies the confusion.
I was referring to profit from a single sale on a single domain. You are referring to overall profit on an entire portfolio over time.