DomainEasy has been down for days (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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DomainEasy has been up and down since Thursday February 13th and it is now Monday.

It could not have happened at a worse time as I am negotiating on a sizable sale right now. It should be a warning to me, most of the time I resolve to my own landers but I do like to experiment around a bit and I am finding critical faults with some market places.

Domain Easy - Very unreliable, DNS kinds sucks.
If you use it is truly unreliable whereas seems to work. - Seems stagnant, even my avatar in my profile stopped working months ago, I update and get a bad image icon.
I hate that saw engages clients with canned responses (AI) it seems pointless, like stupid questions are being asked making the client think they are already engaging the domain owner.

Also using CamelCase at SAW is idiotic, you have to upload the domain again.

Both SAW and DomainEasy have great control panels and each has positives over the other but it is still what I always say... the best control is when you have your own landers.

I call bullshit, they have been saying resolved for days and it keeps happening. Long story short, they don't have enough server capacity for their needs and server capacity costs money. The days of no commission will soon end as they are forced to spend real money. I know here at the increasing server space takes up a large portion of my budget and then you have not even talked about scripts and development.

DomainEasy has some hard choices to make.
It always comes back to the same point...

The day GD bought Dan and started its eventual shutdown was a dark one indeed.

Literally, every other marketplace sucks.
Literally, every other marketplace sucks.

Woke up to this top quality lead ;)

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Fortunately they mark it as low quality right away but the spam is daily and incessant. For a minute I thought this was a real offer until I translated it :ROFLMAO:

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We are going on a date tomorrow :LOL:
And in terms of similarly-weird "offers"...

Last week I got 4 substantial offers on the same domain, but when I inquired, I was told that these people thought they were making donations to a company. It didn't take me long to figure out which one, and with this kind of money flying around, I have no idea why they haven't bought the domain from from me yet.
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And in terms of similarly-weird "offers"...

Last week I got 4 substantial offers on the same domain, but when I inquired, I was told that these people thought they were making donations to a company. It didn't take me long to figure out which one, and with this kind of money flying around, I have no idea why they haven't bought the domain from from me yet.

HaHa, you should own, I get minimum 800 hits per day and everyone is trying to return a bracelet or something.

$1 offer and I need to return yada yada yada

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