As part of my new years resolution I am donating the income from my first domain sale of 2024.
I looks like my last sale of 2023 will actually be paid in the new year so I have decided to pay it forward.
Why did I pick the Salvation Army of Canada?
Because 83 cents of every dollar taken in gets spent on actual charity work and if you follow it through it's still one of the best charities to give to. I have been donating to the Salvation Army since I was carrying UNICEF boxes for Halloween as a kid.
Don't be fooled by a lot of the so called charities, even if you cannot give money and only decide to donate used clothes and such please consider that Goodwill, Value Village and similar are actually huge FOR PROFIT companies using your charity for personal gain.
Here is a fun fact.....
Did you know the Salvation Army owns ThriftStore.ca ?
So use 2024 to help others in need but please make sure the charity work you actually reaches the people you intend it to.
PS. Mennonite owned Thrift Store donations traditionally also go to real charity work, you might want to research to see if there is one in your Neighborhood.