Security Breach (8.Viewing)


Anyone else see the irony in the screenshot above?
I am dumb this morning. Maybe most mornings :-)
I am not seeing the irony in the posting, unless you simply mean the news in the domain world is about their breach.
I am surprised that Domaining would be a target for breach?
Bob Hawkes said:
I am dumb this morning. Maybe most mornings :-)
I am not seeing the irony in the posting, unless you simply mean the news in the domain world is about their breach.
I am surprised that Domaining would be a target for breach?

One could NEVER call you dumb Bob

I just thought it was ironic that a listing service that lists other blogs talking about domaining news is now the news itself and then listed on it's own platform as domaining news.

Holy cow.... does that even make sense?

Where the heck is the head scratch emoticon when I need it?
I just got this…

I am sorry to inform you that the server hosting the database of has been compromised and hackers succeed to access user data.
We do not charge advertisers by credit card so none has been stolen.

What is important and urgent is to change your password on other services if you are using the same or similar password on your account.
On our side we have already closed the sign up and login pages to prevent unauthorized access to your account.
We should not open it again without previously resetting all passwords, ensuring that the security hole has been closed, and the site is audited by security experts so it does not happen again.
When done we will contact you again to reset your password for recover access to your account or simply close it.

I apologize for the inconvenience,


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