DomainShane banned at Twitter (1.Viewing)

What did he do? Bash BLM, make fun of "Heels Up" Harris or say something that the left feels is racist (which is everything said that they disagree with). What could it be?
There's the new justice for you. And with no recourse and your accuser is anonymous.
rlm said:
There's the new justice for you. And with no recourse and your accuser is anonymous.

Between Facebook, Twitter and Google. the information police are in full force deciding who we can hear, what we can hear and see and if we can even hear it. It is not about being "woke", it is about control of information, ideas and people. It is incredibly dangerous. Don't get me started on the MSM, especially in the US.
aactive said:
Between Facebook, Twitter and Google. the information police are in full force deciding who we can hear, what we can hear and see and if we can even hear it.

You can throw YouTube into that list as well. A small example is any DOCTOR who would have anything negative to say about the vaccine. Freedom of speech is out the window.
Wonder what happened with Shane. He's abrasive at times, but an all around good guy though on the public side of his account. Wonder if something happened via private message?
I've had Twitter accounts suspended, you can still log in and make an appeal through their site to get your account unsuspended, if they decide in your favor.

You can never actually talk with a real person at Twitter, it's all done by email and online forms. Really brutal.

You can get suspended and not even know why.

I had two accounts stolen from being hacked in my email, and Twitter was no use in helping me get them back, didn't even really care. Their reply is basically "the email you're contacting us with does not match the email of the Twitter account you are inquiring about". Really? that's because the hacker switched the email. doh!

So yes, use Twitter and free email and all that but realize your accounts could be vaporized at anytime, and as these large tech companies deal with 100's of millions of account holders who aren't paying for the service, they could care less to devote anything more than the barest customer services resources to it.

It's amazing how much social media usernames can sell for when you realize they can be taken away or suspended at any time.
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