TBR search engine - Anyone using it? (1 Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
Screenshot (1).png | Domain Names Solution

They seem to be still function because the latest TBR is represented but the site seems to be stagnant with the news and such static for a year.

I also get these messages when logging in.

Wasn't aware of it until today, even though it looks somewhat familiar.
Been using his service for over 10 years. No complaints. :)
What are your favourite features? Do you use the paid service? I tried setting up a trial paid subscription, but it failed at Paypal somehow.
What are your favourite features?
I haven’t used it as much lately but I use to like the Alexa traffic rank feature. That is no longer available since I believe Alexa isn’t around anymore. It was a good indciaion if the name received decent traffic. That’s just one of the features I like to use.

Do you use the paid service?
I do, yes. Been a paying member for over 11 years. He actually decreased the price a few years ago from what it is now.

He use to post on DNForum back in the day. This is how I heard about DomDom.
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I sent him a link to this thread. 😎
Hello group!

I'm the creator of
I'm surprised to see some interest after all these years!

Here is the story of the project...
I am a programmer and been doing business online for 18 years now. Mostly SEO/affiliate marketing web sites.
At some point in 2011-2012 I grew tired and wanted to diversify. I decided to become a domain registrar specialized in .ca expired domains.
I did all the process with CIRA, built the web site and coded the many programs needed to gather and compile stats, etc. It took a solid 1-1.5 year of work if I recall and then was born.

After only a few months though, I realised I wasn't fit for that. Not only the extreme competition but mostly the technical support and the endless requests from the clients! It killed me! lol! I was used to the quiet of the affiliate marketing world where I barely deal with any humans. (I like you fellow humans just not in this context) Also my other SEO venture was still working fantastic so it's not like I HAD to make this project work.

"Fail but fail fast" was my motto.
But I put a lot of effort in Domdom and was proud of the result, the way I built it.
So I decided to convert the project to a simple expired domains search engine so people can benefit from my effort.
Also I am still using Domdom for my own needs so it wasn't all in vain.

I have lost money in this project and to be honest the little peanuts I make with the current subscriptions isn't even worth the accounting hassle.
I wanted to wait until no one was using it to close the subscriptions for good and make it entirely private... Seems like it will wait! lol!

I won't add any new metrics or features in short or medium term that's for sure. I fix bug and keep it alive.
I thank you for your interest and if you have any questions, fire it up!
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Ask them how they curate the info and pull it into DN (y)
All custom bots/programs making endless requests here and there. I have access to thousands of IP and have 7 servers around the world. Mostly for my other business venture but it serves Domdom too.
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Maybe we can work together and incorporate DomDom into to help you eliminate the chores.
Careful, it's running on (I believe) and as @DomDom mentioned above relies on his IP address network :)

@DomDom : Thanks for joining and posting.

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