Even the blind can find a great domain! (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

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Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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Most of us are familiar with a famous domainer that spent an entire night hand registering domains only to see them sell for millions of dollars. The domainer continues his streak and today is one of the most successful domainers on the planet.

Seems to me some businesses like Huge Domains are very much copying this process by registering millions of domains and hoping a percentage of them will resell at a profit. The difference here being that Huge Domains mostly registered dropped domains figuring eventually someone else will want them.

In German there is an expression.....

"Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn."

Loosely translated to english it means....

"Even a blind chicken sometimes finds a piece of corn"

So in other words...
Even a blind man can get lucky

The question here is can this be repeated in 2020?

So if someone decided to randomly sit 10 people down and hand register any combination of two word .com's could one conceivably have a successful business?

My opinion on this is that one probably could as long as the selling price of the domains stayed in the 2-4k range. Two word .com's are still very much in demand and chances of success are probably pretty good.

So what do my fellow domainers think?

Any successful blind chickens out there? :lol:
MapleDots said:
The question here is can this be repeated in 2020?

So if someone decided to randomly sit 10 people down and hand register any combination of two word .com's could one conceivably have a successful business?

So what do my fellow domainers think?

Any successful blind chickens out there? :lol:

No 10 random people any combo of names no not sustainable

Domaining is much harder than it appears

You need a good command of the language

Not ez

Many are trying the hand reg game and few are making it work

There will always be exceptions! As in most businesses the one willing to work the hardest will succeed but it is not ez
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I don’t think 10 “random” non domainers would be finding that gold at the end of the rainbow.
Even experienced domainers would sometimes struggle at times to put it together successfully.

That is probably why there is a such a robust domain aftermarket.
I think there are some decent .ca domains left over after the TBR that have potential, and don't get registered. I seem to get a few every TBR but you can only register so much and take so many chances. I've had some luck picking up leftover tbr names, or been the only bidder, that eventually sell for x,xxx and wonder why no one else takes them. Sometimes I think a teenager or anyone else really could keep a portfolio costing up to $500 to $1000 in annual registrations, so 50 or 100 domains, and make money at it by taking those $250, $500 and $750 offers and not always going for top dollar. It could be a breakeven business some years, or up to a few hundred or thousand dollars profit a year, or more some years if you get lucky. And for someone like a teenager they wouldn't have to pay much, or any, tax.
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