Ever sold a .CA to a famous end-user? (1 Viewing)

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Nov 28, 2020
I have one famous send-user story and another "15 minutes of fame" end-user story

Famous end-user: FlagFootball.ca (acquired via TBR)

Sold it via Afternic for $1500 USD to the CFL!. I almost missed it because I had an old Hotmail email address on file with Afternic and I guess when my emails went unanswered, they decided to call me.

I owned the name a few years and made about $500 USD in affiliate money from Clickbank selling FlagFootball plays. So all in all I made about $2000 USD off this name.

I was still new to domaining when I priced it (and forgot about it) so I definitely undersold it and never expected in a million years the CFL would go after it. I always assumed the end-user would have been a Flag Football association or something.

"15 minutes of fame" end-user story: GoClean.ca (acquired via TBR)

Another one of my early TBR pickups when I didn't know much about domaining and immediately regretted it when I got it for the minimum bid. Ended up selling it fairly quickly though (I don't think I ever renewed it) to a couple of college kids who appeared on Dragon's Den to show off their Waterless car detailing products. They found me via a whois and we chatted on the phone and I sold it for about $300.

Again, I undersold it because I didn't do any research and only realized who the were once they launched their website that they were on the show and got a $35k/10% deal from Robert Herjavec

They're still going strong and they seem to be listed at Canadian Tire as well. So I'm actually happy for them

Here is their Dragon's Den page... https://www.cbc.ca/dragonsden/m_pitches/go-clean
Spex said:
If this is better suited for the "Sold" section, please feel free to move it there

Since it mentions sold prices I will move it there.


I saw the dragons den video but I think Robert jumped the gun on that one because I remember a couple of kids selling waterless car wash spray almost 20 years ago. The stuff was called spray and wipe and it worked insanely well.

I thought I still had some in the garage but instead guess what I found?

Yup seems like over the years I bought this GoClean stuff because it is right with my Franks window cleaner all bought at Canadian Tire.


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